General & Others People forgive how Oda got rid of Kaido and Big mom too easily

I don't like going dirty "technicality" like this, but here I go. By "hurt", do you mean pain or visible damage to the skin? Because I don't remember seeing any singe or burn marks on his skin from any fire-based attacks.

His body is durable against fire and heat. At least, that’s how it was portrayed. Conscious, unconscious, it doesn’t matter.

But I may have forgotten instances where his body wasn’t durable against fire-based attack. If you show me, I will retract my comment and apologise.

characters get hit with fire all the time and dust it off but they still get hurt
luffy law and kidd during their dumb standoff got hit by prometheus and brushed it off
ofc the magnitude of the attack determines how much damage they take
but the fact that they can express pain is a clear indicator they are not immune.

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I think Raizou's ability lets him amplify the damage of an attack which is how it hurt him.
Because later we see G5 Luffy reflect a Bolo Breath which hits Kaidou right in the face and he tanks it pretty easily
he tanks raizo's reflection attack pretty easily too.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio

characters get hit with fire all the time and dust it off but they still get hurt
luffy law and kidd during their dumb standoff got hit by prometheus and brushed it off
ofc the magnitude of the attack determines how much damage they take
but the fact that they can express pain is a clear indicator they are not immune.

This is supposed to help you prove that Kaido dying by burning in magma is not bad?
This is supposed to help you prove that Kaido dying by burning in magma is not bad?
lets get something clear; am fine with you thinking its bad
I do not care about that.

To call it objectively bad based on the falsehood kaido is simply immune to a volcanic eruption is nonsensical. That was the point of the panels. 3 different instances in panel where he visibly expressed pain /avoided attacks with flames.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
lets get something clear; am fine with you thinking its bad
I do not care about that.

To call it objectively bad based on the falsehood kaido is simply immune to a volcanic eruption is nonsensical. That was the point of the panels. 3 different instances in panel where he visibly expressed pain /avoided attacks with flames.
And my point was major characters in OPVerse do not die because of fire-based attacks (unless, ironically you're firefist Ace). Least of all Kaido, who has shown resistance to fire, has ridiculous durability, and wasn’t attacked by fire-based attack, he fell into Lava unconscious, which doesn’t affect (or at least shouldn't affect) his skin durability at all, pain or no pain.

It is and will remain OBJECTIVELY bad. At the very least, you cannot call it objectively good.
But then that begs the question, if he is dead then show us, the readers, of Kaido not having this grand death but instead seeing Kaido suffer and saying he wants to live instead. Why not resolve it?
You know what would have been impactful?
Some animals from Wano's wasteland eating his flesh. Just like how King and Queen were rotting away and Aramaki almost finished them (still not sure).
It should have been something like this.
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The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
You what would have been impactful?
Some animals from Wano's wasteland eating his flesh. Just like how King and Queen were rotting away and Aramaki almost finished them (still not sure).
It should have been something like this.
I'd say him drowning in the sea would be fine with me. Or can he breath underwater? I forgot.
I'd say him drowning in the sea would be fine with me. Or can he breath underwater? I forgot.
Strongest creature on Land, Air, and Sea.

This is what we have. I dont know what he can or cant do underwater. Did Oda specify that Kaido drowned?
Why should I assume that when I have above mentioned statement about Kaido?


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Strongest creature on Land, Air, and Sea.

This is what we have. I dont know what he can or cant do underwater. Did Oda specify that Kaido drowned?
Why should I assume that when I have above mentioned statement about Kaido?
I didn’t say anything about making any assumptions.

I was saying I'd consider Kaido drowning in the sea while we see Kaido getting pulled into the ocean and running out of breath as a good death that is not grandiose but gives us, the readers satisfactory conclusion.

Why you Agitated?
Maybe the reason we don't know is because Oda doesn't want us to know...?

Things usually aren't immediately revealed to the reader so that they're more impactful later on when they are revealed, it's a pretty basic thing.

Also, Oda has done this many, many times, it's not new.
And this is how sagas end now right? Oda making a mystery of the actual end of a decade long saga. This acceptable writing…” It’s a mystery how the saga ends”… Except where it’s not a mystery because Oda went out of his way to tel us that Wano is gonna be fine… But everything else about he situation should be left as ambiguous and poorly explained as possible

Jesus Christ, it BAFFLES me that this shit is unprecedented in any other story but perfectly acceptable in One piece

LIKE IMAGINE if any other arc in another manage or tv show or film you ever watched and read ending with “So the bad guy was smacked into a hole and the heroes lived happily ever after. The end”
I didn’t say anything about making any assumptions.

I was saying I'd consider Kaido drowning in the sea while we see Kaido getting pulled into the ocean and running out of breath as a good death that is not grandiose but gives us, the readers satisfactory conclusion.

Why you Agitated?
Yes, that would be great.
Nah, I am not agitated lol., this is just the way I write and ask a lot of questions 🙏