General & Others People forgive how Oda got rid of Kaido and Big mom too easily

why should any author have to narrate shit after this?
@Afroking Who told you I want the author to narrate this? I literally pointed out in the post that I hate that the only reason we know Kaido won’t attack Wano again is because the narrator just said “Wano will be fine”

What I want IS A DEATH SCENE… An onscreen clear as day DEATH SCENE. This did not happen. You are lying if you think Oda’s intention isn’t to leave this ambiguous and vague

you think it’s a coincidence that these two are physical monsters? That just them falling in magma doesn’t magically equate to them dying given they have ridiculous physical stats

can you prove that Magna can even burn any of these guys?

you claiming that my post was about wanting a narrator to say shit as opposed to Oda simply writing an actual ending is a sign you ain’t very good at reading
I saw it as a response to Kaido wanting to go out in a glorious legendary way like Roger, Oden and WB but instead went out in an unceremonious fashion. The citizens of Wano didnt see how he fell, they didn’t even know a battle was happening (plus we never got a finish to an arc villain like this iirc). This embodies not giving the bad guy what he wanted. Big Mom was his partner in crime and a boss fight for Luffy’s rivals so I also don’t have an issue w her dying alongside him. She looked out for Kaido since he was a rookie, they're a dynamic duo so they fall together. Now if they’re both alive *then* I’d be annoyed at the writing choice. Also I don’t give the volcano all the credit; Luffy/Law/Kid did their damage to soften them up, knocked them out to a point where the idea of them trying to resist the lava would be futile.
BM should have been dealt with in Waco or she shouldn't have come to wano. Oda should have just let orochi and the samurai be strong to free up quality opponents for the alliance so a whole nother yonko didn't need to come to the arc. Lastly a team should have beaten kaido and killed him so we don't have this ambiguity about him nor would we have needed Luffy getting koed 50 times to win.


Yes, you didn't realize that shit when before Wano Dressrosa was the longest arc with fodder getting more screentime than main characters? Like actual fodder like colosseum fighters.
ALL this for imu in one chapter to show us that yonkos are WG's lapdogs and could be dealt with whenever imu wanted.