Well, i see the really harmful Campaign for someone who let kill millions of peoples, while i doubt me buying a book will give him enough money to do that. You get such a comparison more when she will go into politics and also will have the same amount of supporters we german have back in the day. The books alone wouldn´t fit it, plus HP and Mein Kampf are kind of different. Last one is obviously something that support his agenda against Jews, "inferior people" and others. If someone really buy a book like Mein Kampf, because he think it is enjoyable i must say it isn´t. It is so bad written, and Hitler was a confused man. Fortunately i see Rowlin not really in the next 10-20 years getting a relevant position, especially when there is a lot headwind against her. In the case of Hitler, he just let kill people who did that, but we live in 2023. Even if she dislike Transpeople, she can´t harm you. Words alone can´t harm you either, only idiots can harm you who fell for those words. Too many different factors to see her equal to Adolf.
Actually i don´t know IF someone already has taken advantage of it, that i buyed something. Someone might be killed already by the hand of someone who i supported, without knowing it. It is something i can´t exclude. However, i don´t think about that. Not because i am homophobic, transphobic, a racist, or something else. It is more because i am the typical egomaniac who lives for myself. I will die some day, i will not left any relevant effect on that world. I try to see and understand the big whole, instead of the small things. We humans are irrelevant to the world, we are a pest. No matter if you are a man, a woman, a trans, a black man, a handicaped woman, or something else. I enjoy my short life here and doesn´t think about such things that much, because those thoughts alone can make me ill. You can call me an Ignorant, that describes myself more, but honestly i feel no shame like majorty of the world for it. I mean when some Transpeople buy the game, they would in the same situation like i am, supporting their own doom, no?