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Sasaki Kojirō

You have a justification for using fake shit to catch out a man instead of supposedly real shit?

The feck kinda 4.20D Chess game says don't use real proof but cry wolf using doctored Dams instead? :smart:
There is justification for everything these days... One is that I won't go to the trouble of going after comments made in 2019, another is that comments are edited and deleted by moderators or by the user himself (they have that power too if you didn't know). LOL

What do you mean, adulterated things?

"Adulterated", that is to say, let's say, if someone is xenophobic with you, and you go there and write "X is xenophobic and said such a thing", however adulterated does that invalidate the fact that X is someone xenophobic?


You need to look at the purpose of the message and not if it is false, what is the purpose of that? Demonstrating that "L"EE is someone xenophobic (he was xenophobic with me), and it was not the first time and apparently in the past he has already been punished for similar attitudes.

So what's the problem with exposing this little shit? Go suck his egg now.
I don't even know why I'm explaining to you.

Do you understand that if I took the sentence in which he was xenophobic with me and put it in my signature there would be no difference? What is the purpose of me putting this sentence (which he said) there and a sentence "made by me", both have the same purpose, which is to demonstrate that Lee is someone xenophobic. I just gave it a little remodel. LOL

And you are limiting yourself to the fact that what is written there is true or not, but the fact that Lee is xenophobic with me, is it true or not? Yeah, so the message that had the purpose of labeling "L"EE as xenophobic is valid...

"Oh don't see the bunch of lies Sasaki kojiro wrote about Lee in his byline"...

"He is telling a lie that Lee was xenophobic in it", but the real reason for my signature was precisely because he was xenophobic the moderators are in evidence he was xenophobic, so what I wrote in the signature is a lie? It's not, he's someone xenophobic.

"Look, Sasaki Kojiro is saying that Lee wanted to kill him", he hinted at this with his words in the debate we had, so it's not a lie.

"Oh don't look Sasaki Kojiro is saying Lee was racist", was several times racist with NODULE (self stated in past PMS).

So the 3 things described in my signature, LEE has already practiced them.

"Ah more Sasaki kojiro you have no evidence", unwanted content is removed from the site including xenophobic, racist and threatening comments, when they are not removed they are edited.
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To tell you the truth, I'm just learning about its existence on this forum now. LOL
So we go from "My doctored fake post was retroactively justified because I just supposedly, coincidentally, conveniently found out Lee (a bloke I clearly hate and already made blatant lies about) is totally a racist this time around now that I make a new accusation with no proof!!"

One is that I won't go to the trouble of going after comments made in 2019, another is that comments are edited and deleted by moderators or by the user himself (they have that power too if you didn't know). LOL
"The events in question did actually happen in 2019 according to my hearsay which I will provide no evidence for and just accuse everybody else of covering up!!!"

Bloke cannot even keep his own story straight. :milaugh:

By the way, Lee supposedly editing his post would have meant nothing if you took an actual screenshot, so why wouldn't you do that?
What do you mean, adulterated things?

"Adulterated", that is to say, let's say, if someone is xenophobic with you, and you go there and write "X is xenophobic and said such a thing", however adulterated does that invalidate the fact that X is someone xenophobic?


You need to look at the purpose of the message and not if it is false, what is the purpose of that? Demonstrating that "L"EE is someone xenophobic (he was xenophobic with me), and it was not the first time and apparently in the past he has already been punished for similar attitudes.

So what's the problem with exposing this little shit? Go suck his egg now.
I don't even know why I'm explaining to you.

Do you understand that if I took the sentence in which he was xenophobic with me and put it in my signature there would be no difference? What is the purpose of me putting this sentence (which he said) there and a sentence "made by me", both have the same purpose, which is to demonstrate that Lee is someone xenophobic. I just gave it a little remodel. LOL

And you are limiting yourself to the fact that what is written there is true or not, but the fact that Lee is xenophobic with me, is it true or not? Yeah, so the message that had the purpose of labeling "L"EE as xenophobic is valid...
What in actual fuck is this word salad garbage?

Do you or do you not have actual evidence of this happening?

Cause it sounds like you are claiming you took real sentences Lee made but pointlessly doctored them into a fake post for reasons that would not benefit you in any way and would actually negatively affect your claims despite the fact that the shoddily doctored post was obviously doctored so the whole thing looks fake?

Why in absolute smeg would you not get an actual screenshot?

How stupid do you think people are to believe such a blatant cock-and-bull story?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
To paint the full picture here, this is nothing new. It's very consistent with Erkan and Sasaki's actions and behaviors in the past.

With Erkan, he constantly lies about members by accusing them of being undercover Zoro/Admiral fans and spreading the word. He's accused mods of having secret PMs with admiral/sword fans to surpress yonko fans. He has accused the mod team of protecting Zoro fans. He called Luffy fans Zoro fans in disguise saying "Luffy fans wouldn't praise Zoro." He's called @Blackbeard a secret Admiral fan for an unfavorable comment about BB. He even accused @Shiroyru of being a Zoro fan of all things over one disagreement about Zoro vs Teach. This cultish behavior is seen again today with the revelation that he has banned Iam25 and Shiroryu from his PMs over a petty disagreement. Massive hypocrisy by being the one with the secret PMs plotting shit.

Then we have Sasaki Kojiro/Kaido D Stronger who is infamous for his bait threads, complaining about slander. The same guy who admitted to faking a PM about Lee and putting it into his signature as an attempt to get him banned. Again he admitted to it. He even tried to hold the mod team hostage by saying he won't delete the signature unless we ban Lee. Lee was no saint either but still.

So with this, I recommend just ignoring these guy's ramblings. They ain't gonna change and this won't be the last petty yet consistent revelation I'm sure. Again, it's just so incredibly petty at this point.

Sasaki Kojirō

So we go from "My doctored fake post was retroactively justified because I just supposedly, coincidentally, conveniently found out Lee (a bloke I clearly hate and already made blatant lies about) is totally a racist this time around now that I make a new accusation with no proof!!"


"The events in question did actually happen in 2019 according to my hearsay which I will provide no evidence for and just accuse everybody else of covering up!!!"

Bloke cannot even keep his own story straight. :milaugh:

By the way, Lee supposedly editing his post would have meant nothing if you took an actual screenshot, so why wouldn't you do that?

What in actual fuck is this word salad garbage?

Do you or do you not have actual evidence of this happening?

Cause it sounds like you are claiming you took real sentences Lee made but pointlessly doctored them into a fake post for reasons that would not benefit you in any way and would actually negatively affect your claims despite the fact that the shoddily doctored post was obviously doctored so the whole thing looks fake?

Why in absolute smeg would you not get an actual screenshot?

How stupid do you think people are to believe such a blatant cock-and-bull story?
Unwanted content is removed from the site or edited, and that's what happened. WG does not keep unwanted content and xenophobic, racist, and life threatening comments are removed and this is what happened after our discussion in which he was xenophobic several times, I mean do you really think I would put a signature without owning no reason ? Do you want me to post screenshots of LEE apologizing in the PM where he insisted on adding all the moderators? LMAO


Survivors Guilt
Same lol
Some people here going at each others throats sound like 7 year old playground warriors while they are arguing about anime characters :saden:These people are full grown men:saden:
Ding ding ding, I can’t take none of this shit serious….it’s tha fuckin innanet lol

Also, @Gorosei Lee Hung nah ion remember Doodle Bob ever calling you a racist tho

Sasaki Kojirō

To paint the full picture here, this is nothing new. It's very consistent with Erkan and Sasaki's past actions and behaviors in the past.

With Erkan, he constantly lies about members by accusing them of being undercover Zoro/Admiral fans and spreading the word. He's accused mods of having secret PMs with admiral/sword fans to surpress yonko fans. He has accused the mod team of protecting Zoro fans. He called Luffy fans Zoro fans in disguise saying "Luffy fans wouldn't praise Zoro." He's called @Blackbeard a secret Admiral fan for an unfavorable comment about BB. He even accused @Shiroyru of being a Zoro fan of all things over one disagreement about Zoro vs Teach. This cultish behavior is seen again today with the revelation that he has banned Iam25 and Shiroryu from his PMs over a petty disagreement. Massive hypocrisy by being the one with the secret PMs plotting shit.

Then we have Sasaki Kojiro/Kaido D Stronger who is infamous for his bait threads, complaining about slander. The same guy who admitted to faking a PM about Lee and putting it into his signature as an attempt to get him banned. Again he admitted to it. He even tried to hold the mod team hostage by saying he won't delete the signature unless we ban Lee. Lee was no saint either but still.

So with this, I recommend just ignoring these guy's ramblings. They ain't gonna change and this won't be the last petty yet consistent revelation I'm sure. Again, it's just so incredibly petty at this point.
The same guy who admitted to faking a PM about Lee and putting it into his signature as an attempt to get him banned.
Oh shit look the guy forged a signature of a guy who just got xenophobic towards him, let's ban him but let the xenophobe get away with it, let's just "edit the comments". And first of all you're already lied to because I never intended to ban Lee.

The purpose of the signature was to show that LEE was a xenophobic person, more why did you write that in the signature? Because LEE's comments being xenophobic have been edited.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Oh shit look the guy forged a signature of a guy who just got xenophobic towards him, let's ban him but let the xenophobe get away with it, let's just "edit the comments".
Consistent with the victim complex.

You both threw really bad comments at each other and you both were gonna get a warning. You admitting to framing, refusing to cooperate and calling us monkeys is what got you banned lol

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Oh shit look the guy forged a signature of a guy who just got xenophobic towards him, let's ban him but let the xenophobe get away with it, let's just "edit the comments".
The mods deleted my comment and gave me warning points . TAC told me he would ban me if it happened again. What exactly did I get away with?

You got banned because you tried to frame me for death threats and when the mods told you to take the fake death threats down, you insulted them and refused to listen. Lol

Sasaki Kojirō

Consistent with the victim complex.

You both threw really bad commentd at each other and you both were gonna get a warning. You admitting to framing, refusing to cooperate and calling us monkeys is what got you banned lol
That's your interpretation, anyone who reads that debate will come to the conclusion that LEE raised the level of insults to another level that didn't even compare to mine, and you always tried to put that as being on the same level...

I call x: Idiot. X calls me: Nig--ga. You're on the same level right? LOL

I never played the victim, I just never understood your proposal to edit xenophobic and even racist comments from individuals and keep them unpunished, as was the case with LEE...

So you know what, I'm going to wait for someone to insult me, whatever the level of insult I'm going to respond with: Nig---ga...
No problem since we were both attacking each other right?

Sasaki Kojirō

Yeah that’s definitely not what happened lmfao. I’m not here to re-open old wounds but I will say that this is a straight up lie consistent with all Sasaki Kojiro lies that he’s been banned for in the past.
I've only been banned once, and it was literally for this thread. You already lied again about saying that I was previously banned for lying.
It's consistent with the lies huh, and the evidence about my ALT, where is it?

1st - Mind about me having an Alt (Based on a misinterpretation), and he even took the pleasure of going around defaming me saying I had Alts.

2nd - Lies about me having begged Erkan to ask for "Comment Spam", based on what Shiryu said, something that Shiryu himself was keen to unmask.

3rd - Lies about me being banned in the past for lying (something that never happened)

The only time I was banned for "lying" was because I exposed his temper.
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