Thank Goda, Sanji isn't acting weird regarding S-Snake. Hopefully when they interact, it's just how Sanji treats kids in the series and not reminiscent of that one film.
Sanji, Jimbei and Stussy make for a pretty formidable team. Hopefully they encounter S-Shark, some other Pacifistas and perhaps other Seraphim if there really are any more. Seems like a decent time to show two of Luffy's strongest Commanders showing off, plus Stussy, one of CP0's strongest and clone.
Luffy, Zoro, Lucci and Kaku against S-Hawk, S-Bear and Kizaru and Saturn when they arrive could be cool. I like Lucci so I'm glad he's doing more buy just seeing him assisting the crew for the sake of self-preservation makes sense, it's just not that crazy.