Character Discussion Why is it so hard for some of you to accept that Sanji is a tragedy post the TS, Oda absolutely butchered this char...

How much worse got Sanji since the TS?

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Didn't watch it and never will. If you need 38 min to proof that his character got better you are not convincing anyone.
Now I see what you are saying. You think that you know better than average people about story aspect and hard concepts that you may have learned on colleger or any other place then only you or someone similar is viable to analyze if the story got better or not.
Actually.. Yes. Not that i'm am the best, there is always better. But I have noticed that around those WG plains, I do have a better understanding of One Piece than those who try to do analysis. Especially when the majority say something as ludicrous as "Oda destroyed Sanji post Timeskip" and that's not only because I effectively had special courses on the subject but also because I spent half of my life analysing One Piece.

But don't believe me.. again.. try to watch the video. Put it on x2 if you want, will be faster, at least you will avoid me doing you a sum up.

Last time I give you the link:

Next time will be a sum up.

Let me simplify to you, majority of One Piece fans AGREE that pre-timeskip is better than post-timeskip. Ok? This is undebatable. It's a fact. Doesn't matter if the people know or not how to analyze the story, it is what majority of fans think
And the people on the planet believe in something that doesn't exist. It doesn't make it right because it's a majority.

New readers tends to love post time skip as they are not influenced by the fans or the week to week pace.

The pace is ridiculous. Another common sense. Try to explain how panels and panels of meaningless running is density. This is what Dressrosa, WCI and Wano did the most. Also a lot of unresolved plots which mean they weren't needed to be added in first place.
Actually this is wrong (this is something I forgot to mention). Wano's panelling structure was very similar to post time skip. That's one of the reason why this arc is so good in fact. Oda let himself breeze a little during that Arc.

You mean that Marineford Saga had build up arcs? We have that since East Blue. Arlong Park was the first arc which we had a build up since Orange Town because of Nami's introduction. Then we had Alabasta which started at Whiskey Peak.

The problems with new arcs is exactly the amount of secondary plots. What do you even mean about secondary plots in first place? Secondary fights either than Luffy? What was the secondary plot of all arcs until here? Arlong Park has any secondary plot other than beating Fishmen Pirates, saving the village, helping Nami and get her as a nakama? Alabasta had any other plot than saving the country and Vivi? Skypea I can understand that there is the plot of saving the island but also showing how Noland wasn't a liar. Water 7 and Enies Lobby we are saving Robin and Usopp understanding what it means to be on a crew. Thriller Bark is only about saving themselves from Moriah(more specifically Luffy that had his shadow stole). Marineford Saga is all about saving Ace, there is no secondary plot.
No you didn't understand. I meant that because there are 3 entire arc before the time skip and BECAUSE those arc are specifically focused on Luffy (and therefore have less secondary plotline) they feel like they are faster and stronger, but the reality is: those narration are the same.

And by secondary plot I mean secondary character plot: For example in WCI it's the recuperation of the poneglyph or the conquering of the mirror world by Chopper and Carrot. In wano it's some of the fight too (the strawhat fight for example or the story of Yamato), pretimeskip it was the story of the different strawhat during each arcs.

Arlong Park also had secondary plot. It was the debarking of the strawhat (Zoro and Usopp) or the fight of Zoro, sanji and Usopp.

You need to understand that the closer we get to the end, the bigger the arena of the story will be. Meaning that we will have more and more storylines. Of course Oda could only focus on Luffy, but the story wouldn't feel as lively as the theme wouldn't be as impactfull at the end of each arcs. But you also need to understand that there are no storyplot that are useless. Some are indeed weaker than other - granted - but all of them serv a purpose.

The realitythat you might not have noticed, is that since the time skip, the world of One Piece because a LOT MORE lively. The amount of characters and location are now insane and we are not now focusing on single character like Norland, but on entire families and groups that shape entire countries.

This change is something the fan missed. Pretimeskip was cool of course and had amazing arc, but post time skip is were the story really shines.

Fishmen Island: saving Royal Family, showing fishmen you are good not evil, saving Fishmen Island, making a bond between fishmen and humans.

Punk Hazard: starting an alliance against a Shichibukai and a Yonko, saving kids from a mad scientist, expose corruption on marines, expose spy on pirates(Aokiji, couldn't describe this plot better).

I can go on and on with other arcs. Just proved to you how early arcs were most focused for not having multiple plots so Oda could be really dense on the main plot while new arcs has so many plots that he can't be denser so he has to make incredibly long arcs to fullfill all plots.

Pre-timeskip is not better because of Marineford Saga. To many people Marineford Saga isn't even the peak of pre-timeskip but Enies Lobby it is.
And yet Water Seven and Ennie Lobby have a lot of secondary plot as well. The reality is that secondary plot is not something problematic it only make the story shine brighter in the end. But I get that on a week to week basis, it can be frustrating. That's why I suggest readers who don't like post time skip, to read One Piece in volume rather than scans.

Which is exactly my point. He didn't had a role. I could even understand not having a role at Fishmen and Punk Hazard since they are smaller arcs but Wano? This is just poor writting. Oda had plenty of time to develop Usopp at Wano. At least all the Strawhats that not participated at WCI should have had better development in Wano. They are there first for nothing
1. You forgot the fact that Usopp is one of the character with the most shining moment pretimeskip so its only logical that Oda let him breeze a little.
2. Usopp had a role in Fishmen even if he wasn't forfront and like all strawhat shined during his fight.
3. Usopp was one that had the best shining moment in dressrosa
4. Usopp might be the one with the best shining moment in the future as Elbaf is coming.

So no. Usopp is good, don't worry about him and Oda is not doing a poor job with him.

He didn't shined at Dressrosa. He had a fight against one of the Doflamingo commanders, okay. A fight that no one remembers. I just know because someone told me that some days ago when I was arguing that Brook didn't had a fight in the whole post-timeskip.

WCI he didn't had a fight but he stole Big Mom's Red Poneglyph. That is narratively huge for sure but still not that great for his character.

He didn't nothing at Wano. He handled fodders so Robin could have her fight. Nothing to add his character just to make the plot move forward.
1. Yes he did by winning against Jora.
You don't remember this fight because you don't pay enough attention that's all mate.

2. What Brook went through whole cake was HUGE for his charater has it shows how much his bond has grown with the strawhat and how strawhat can react in front of an emperor.

3. Now.. like all the strawhat Brook's arc was thriller bark, now Brook will only evolve in the subtext. Like I said, Brook evolved during Whole cake, he went through a traumatic event that may be triggering a evolution in the future.

You really need to understand that One Piece is not about having the strawhat all evolve at the same time and have a shining moment in everyarc.

What Robin did at Dressrosa? She stopped Hakuba? She participated on Diamante fight? Does anyone even remember? She had any development to her character?
What is this quest for character development ? The development of Robin comes at the end of Wano during her fight with black Maria, during Dressrosa, Robin shined as a support character.

EVEN pretimeskip the strawhats weren't developped each arc bro.. You need to stop thinking that way. Development of the strawhats is:
1. Most of the time subtle unless the arc is really focusing on one specific character
2. It doesn't happen every arc
3. Is not a scale to gauge of the quality of an arc. For that you should be looking at the story.

Forgetting that Sanji is a fighther when since his introduction he has being introduced as one. Do you remember? Baratie? The sea restaurant where cooks fight costumers(usually pirates I guess) and they have to be tough cooks because there is no one near to help them. Sanji is the strongest and fights Gin. Then at next arc he is pretty well established as one of the Monster Trio. And all important key arcs of pre-timeskip he has a fight. Now we take all that and throw away because he has to be kind? And let's not forget that he still clashing with people and hates his family. He is not that kind. He is brute, he is a MAN. He is not a fucking woman. WCI starts with Sanji fighting his own brother and breaking his face but offscreen. That is fake hype. Then he fights his father but he lost because he didn't wanted to harm the clones. Okay I get that this was the narrative but the fake hype for Sanji fighting in the arc is clear. And let's not forget that Mr.Kind Guy beat the shit out of his own captain until he passed out, "oh he cried, he was more emotional hurt than Luffy" but he did anyway.

So no, don't pretend as Sanji shouldn't have to fight and that Oda didn't hyped him to do it. Again I'm not watching any bullshit video you present to me.
Alors.. sigh..

First, no. Oda is not forgetting that Sanji also fight. But no. Sanji is not introduced as a fighter but a COOK. He fight later. (close in term of story, but later in term of introduction)
Second, yeah. I do remember baratie and the first thematic of Sanji's character arc was not his willingness to fight, but the way he treated GIN. Meaning NICELY. IT's the ONE reason why Luffy had eye on him in the first place (go check if you don't believe me)

But I'm not surprised, you are part of the 70% that are willing to throw sanji's entire character to see him fight strong people just because you are jalouse that Zoro is the badass one. Well.. you are completely missing the point that sanji is actually more badass than Zoro. But in a nicer way.

And again, there was no fake hype, there was no hype at all for Sanji fighting, it was against his character development

And yes Sanji is THAT nice. I know you guys can't accept that men can cry because they are lost.. toxic masculinity is hard.. i know.

So no, don't pretend as Sanji shouldn't have to fight and that Oda didn't hyped him to do it. Again I'm not watching any bullshit video you present to me.
I won't pretend. Thinking that Sanji should have a fight in whole cake is complete ignorance of:
- Storytelling
- Sanji's character
- Oda's thematic and storylines
- Common sence.

Again only you is viable to decide who understand and who doesn't, right? Unlike 99% of Sanji fanbase I don't like what Oda made to Sanji, I don't like his power up, I think that his character was destroyed both in WCI and Wano. I'm the one different here not you.
No. it's just that in that case, I do understand more and you understand less :)

Actually most of Sanji's fanbase is agreeing with you as shown by the poll. Most of you don't deserve Sanji.

This isn't hard to understand, even you Mr.Narrative PhD can understand that. Sanji is suppose to be a gentleman. A gentleman doesn't THINK about hitting a woman. Oda made Sanji think about it. Like Sanji would hit a woman if he could but for whatever reason he can't. This is stupid. The truth about Sanji until this very chapter is that he never think in hitting a woman. He is always protecting ladies that what he did chapteres ago while he got trapped by Black Maria. To have him saying that he wish he could hit a woman is destroying one of the base of his characters.
A fighter doesn't care who he will fight.What oda is writting here is that Sanji is starting to question himself as a fighter and as a person. So of xcourse he will think about this. Plus he never wished he could hit a women, he was just in a situation were he didn't knew who he was. And he evolved. He learned by himself that no matter the consequences, he will stick to his credo and be someone good. That's what real good people do.

No. It is not perfectly for his character and even less for Yonko Saga plot. I would say that since Zoro's "Nothing Happened" moment Oda was setting up all Strawhats to have a moment saying they truly believe in Luffy for everything and that he would become King of Pirates. So Sanji doing that destroys this narrative aswell as his character. This was a poor Luffy vs Usopp 2.0 that also they didn't had a reason to fight but they were both enraged with so much going on that still fits into narrative plus they were young and rookies, they are more mature now at New World.
Yes it is and no it destroy nothing. To know why, WATCH THE DAMN VIDEO. Or else I will makeyou a sum up, but either way you will understand why. you just don't understand sanji's character and think that its a Zoro 2.0 with curly eyebrow and blond hair. Sanji is NOT Zoro.

Also this had nothing to do with the fight between usopp and Luffy the thematic were completely different.. Damn.. thelack of understanding is amazing here.

And you can't explain.
Yes I can't, I just don't waste my time. Watch the damn video. If you won't I'll make a sum up that you will have to read anyway.

No he wasn't. He was so fast to kick Oven that he didn't saw what happened and people though Pound was the one who did(even Pound).
Which was was but not "germa fast". A lot of people can disappear. Oven was just very slow. Plus you need to understand that Sanji was tired and was holding Luffy while avoiding canon shot and pistol shot..

Yes he accepted... We saw how he destroyed Raid Suit and thought he was losing his emotions and becoming a monster like his brothers. That's really how someone accept himself and his past... You would be right if Sanji didn't had destroyed his Raid Suit and really had lost his emotions and became like his brothers. But he didn't. So you are ridiculously wrong.
Wtf.. you just said to me that I was right and I waas wrong in the same paragraph.. You quite something..

But you lack the understanding that Sanji made this descision despite the fact that he was thinking that he was becoming a monster. What Sanji proved to himself was not to stop himself from becoming a monster, it was to do anything to avoid becoming one because of the germa suit.. again.. you don't understand sanji's character.

Yes, just you Mr. Narrative PhD is viable to analyze correct everything about One Piece. Please enlight us with your wisdom. But make arguments, "you don't understand, you are wrong" are not viable arguments but I'm pretty sure you are well aware of that.
That's why I suggest you to watch the video. Because I'm not the only one here who understand Sanji as a character.
I am gonna give you a bone, I find him okay in most arcs, but Fish man island Sanji was the most terrible version of the character.

The nose bleeding plot on an already shit arc almost made me skip Fish man island.
Yeah this was Oda just trying to set up the fishman human blood law which was why the second the law was established the gag immediately stopped.

He needed a way for a human to bleed out and need a transfusion without making the timeskip look like a waste.
Nah fr tho how would sanjifans that have wings=equals would feel if jinbei is confirmed one to?
Luffy isn't going to have 3 wings unless he suddenly becomes a biblical seraphim, but then he'd need 6.

You need multiples of 2 to fly.

Also, just because it needs to be said @CarrotForNakama Can you stop posting the video? You've done it a dozen times on this forum already. If you can't debate something on your own without forcing others to watch something then don't debate. This is why essays quote their sources, it literally gives you a weak argument to keep jamming a link in front of peoples faces for your point.
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C4N has to be a Zoro fan then
Rather Sanji fan, but more a Luffy fan.

Also, just because it needs to be said @CarrotForNakama Can you stop posting the video?
No. It avoid me to write three page as this video uncompass the majority of what people need to know about Sanji's narration. So no, until I see BS backlash on Sanji's writing, I will post that as a reminder.

Until you guys actually watch it.
"Has the most development and a great arc full of depth in WCI alone, key moments elsewhere, gets so much depth it even starves other shws at times off space"

"but it somehow doesnt count because also has silly joke about liking women"

I know you just pretending to bait cause its how you cope with not being able to cancel the imaginary character cause he likes women as a joke and that reminded you of your loneliness and being puritan is how you cope with virginity, but you need Therapy asap, even for a femcel, youre too desperate and btthurt

You must be absolutely insane, only thing i remember about her is that she became a damsel in distress against s-shark and her being a greedy ass because of fake diamonds
So besides being envious and repressed youre also a liar AND an arc-skipper, since she got scenes even in this arc and that was 10 chapters not to mention everything in the rest. Crying and seething at Sanjino jokes and Nami's body gives away this is seethy femcel behavior instead of just bait
she got development but magically doesnt count because her big baboonga reminds you no dude wanna touch you, even the fat sweaty ones. Evil Oda should make her barrel shaped and wearing a hazmat suit just so no lil baby start crying in fear, what does eternal lack of physical contact and attention does to a mf lmao