Character Discussion Why is it so hard for some of you to accept that Sanji is a tragedy post the TS, Oda absolutely butchered this char...

How much worse got Sanji since the TS?

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Nothing has been more hysterical than to watch the absolute meltdown at the end of WCI when Sanji fans realised that truly was the ending of his arc…

… for them to then try and pretend a few years later that they loved it and it was “great character development.”
Just remember that Zkk is in the same ballpark, with literally some of your peeps running away from the forum for some time
Sanji has definitely changed for the worse.

He once pointed a Gun against Robin, an enemy. Not saying he would have pulled the trigger but at least he made a threat instead of resorting to be a problem to the rest of the crew. Even Nami or Robin, can't remember, said it's admirable he doesn't hit women but at the very least run away and don't cause trouble.

His role should be smart yet reasonably strong but he should not compete against Zoro or Luffy in strength, he should use his superior stealth and skill. Doing that he has a clear role in the crew and a spot as a wing if you want providing Luffy with something the crew lacks, by competing with Zoro he provides more and actually less of the same.

In Arlong Park he understood his role was to free Luffy.
In Little Garden he got the logpose for Alabasta.
In Water 7 he got on the sea train.
In Enies Lobby he opened the Gates.
Best post in this thread, dunno why you got ignored. I guess constructive replies aren't popular on a website populated with toxic idiots.
Nothing has been more hysterical than to watch the absolute meltdown at the end of WCI when Sanji fans realised that truly was the ending of his arc…

… for them to then try and pretend a few years later that they loved it and it was “great character development.”
"Sanji fans" who are raging because of what Sanji is now or what happened in whole cake are not true Sanji fans. They don't understand its characterization at all, they just want a copy of Zoro as blond.

Sanji is one of the best written character in One Piece despite his flaws.
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I don't think he got worse, it's just Loda that keeps betraying our expectations. Multiple gags and hypetool moments are ok but they are not sustainable on the long run without bigger and bigger pay-offs. He can't pair Sanji and Zoro in multiple occasions and then treat them so differently.
Garp The Fist is a Luffy fan who gets confused for a Zoro fan by Sanji fans, just like @Gol D. Roger
... Ignorance is a sin, you know...

1. Zoro
2. Luffy
3. Usopp up to Zou
4. Jinbei
5. Robin
6. Franky
7. Nami
8. Pre-TB Sanji
9. Brook
10. Pre-skip Chopper
11. Post-TB Sanji
12. Usopp since Zou
13. Post-skip Chopper

The top ten are all excellent and it doesn’t essentially matter that much what place they are in because I like them all.

11-13… are not.
Previous arc was attrocious for Lanji, most of his plot went for this:

Then black maria then running around until his clown fight which was the best fight in 10 years against Queen and now he is Doggy:josad:

The only thing that kept this loser was Robin statment which fan misused to donwplay WORO.

To be honest I am actaully happy that WORO is having less and less interaction with most of the strawhat beside Luffy

This should be clear to evryone:

It is funny. It is common sense that post timeskip as while is way worse than pre timeskip but people still think some things are better.

Not only Sanji but all characters got worse. Zoro included. Sanji may only be one of the worse ones.
"Common sense" is often a word used to bypass the reality that is a common fallacious knowledge.

You could easily argue that Post time skip is actually narratively more coherent and deeper than pre timeskip in a various number of ways.

The real difference between pre and post time skip is the way Oda structure his panel and story. Pretime skip Oda tends to use less content in his chapter and leave more room for the panels to breeze (with huge panels sometimes) in post time skip Oda is using more narrative content so he needs to fill more in less space which is one of the reason people often say that his chapters are "too heavy".

The reality is that it was a slow evolution and not a real pretimeskip breakup. And that evolution is not necessaraly something bad as it also leave him room to place subtle hints in and there that are not noticable at the first place or to create more intense storylines.

Its just the approach that change but overall, it's the same technics of narration. Both are cool. And the saying that character got worse during post time skip is a myth.. the reality is that they got better. Sanji is one of the best example of that:



"Common sense" is often a word used to bypass the reality that is a common fallacious knowledge.

You could easily argue that Post time skip is actually narratively more coherent and deeper than pre timeskip in a various number of ways.

The real difference between pre and post time skip is the way Oda structure his panel and story. Pretime skip Oda tends to use less content in his chapter and leave more room for the panels to breeze (with huge panels sometimes) in post time skip Oda is using more narrative content so he needs to fill more in less space which is one of the reason people often say that his chapters are "too heavy".

The reality is that it was a slow evolution and not a real pretimeskip breakup. And that evolution is not necessaraly something bad as it also leave him room to place subtle hints in and there that are not noticable at the first place or to create more intense storylines.

Its just the approach that change but overall, it's the same technics of narration. Both are cool. And the saying that character got worse during post time skip is a myth.. the reality is that they got better. Sanji is one of the best example of that:

It is common sense that pre-timeskip is better than post-timeskip. And no YT video(don't even know if it yours or not) will change that.

Adding irrelevant stuff and slowing the pace of the story in an arc doesn't make it deeper and even less coherent.

It wasn't a slow evolution. It was a breakup but not at timeskip itself but precisely at Dressrosa. After timeskip we still had good arcs in the molds of pre-timeskip that are Fishmen Island and Punk Hazard which the first has the most selling manga volume of the series. And after that the downfall of sales per volume is notable.

Characters DID got worse in One Piece specially main ones. It is another common sense that the main characteres barely has any focus during the whole timeskip. And the ridiculous amount of fights that main characters get is just a proof of that. Nami, Robin and Sanji first fight are at Wano. Chopper didn't had a fight at all. Brook only fought at Dressrosa. I'm talking about real fights, tough ones like Enies Lobby, Arlong Park for example. Zoro also only had his first fight at Wano but at least he is flexing his strength in almost all arcs.

Usopp only good arc was Dressrosa, all others he did absolutely nothing.

Brook despite having a fight at Dressrosa(which we easily forget) he only shined a little(really little) at WCI because he stole the Red Poneglyph.

Robin is completely disappeared through the whole timeskip up to Wano.

Sanji had moments of fake hype when facing Vergo, Doflamingo. When he got his own arc (WCI) he still didn't had any fight only more fake hype with Oven and Daifuku.

And talking about Sanji, his character was completely destroyed. After timeskip he is all about simping women and gag moments about it. At Wano he even said he wish he could hit a woman which goes against everything his character represents, he was suppose to be a gentleman and hitting a woman shouldn't even cross his mind it was never something that he was incapable of doing of incapable of thinking. He was ready to give up on his dream because he didn't trust his captain to protect how is important to both of them(Zeff is important to Luffy too, of course). He beated Luffy for nothing, there is no narrative to explain that beating. His speed feats in the arc got destroyed by his brother calling him too slow. All the development they made about Sanji's backstory with his true family got destroyed at Wano arc (right the next arc). His mother sacrifice was good for nothing, he used the weapons of the family he so hated, he also got the genes that used to made him different from his family.

Post-timeskip is a disaster.
I don't think anybody denies that Sanji was butchered. I think most people are arguing that he's still a great character. Personally I think all the Monster trio were butchered with Luffy being the worse by far. Zoro was butchered to and is now more like a stripper than a swordsman.
It is common sense that pre-timeskip is better than post-timeskip. And no YT video(don't even know if it yours or not) will change that.
Did you actually watch it ? I could explain its content in text, but it would need a LOT. That would be easier that way.

Common sense in that context is bad. It's a missconception created by people who started analysing the story without having storytelling knowledge to do it properly.

Adding irrelevant stuff and slowing the pace of the story in an arc doesn't make it deeper and even less coherent.
The pace of arc are not slower, they are just denser. One Piece is still going at 1000 km/H weither its pre or post timeskip.

It wasn't a slow evolution. It was a breakup but not at timeskip itself but precisely at Dressrosa. After timeskip we still had good arcs in the molds of pre-timeskip that are Fishmen Island and Punk Hazard which the first has the most selling manga volume of the series. And after that the downfall of sales per volume is notable.
Yes it was a slow evolution. You can check in fact the way Marineford is narratively and structurally handled as close to the way the new arcs are handle. There are just less secondary plots as the action is logically focused on Luffy.

The illusion that Post time skip is better is because 3 arc just before the post time skip are focused on the narration of the story of a SINGLE character and not entire slot of characters like thriller Bark, Alabasta, Skypiea or Waterseven/ennie Lobby. So the pacing feels a lot more focused, but the narration is the same.

Usopp only good arc was Dressrosa, all others he did absolutely nothing
Which is logical as the only two left arc are Wano and Punk hazard and he had no major role in them on the contrary to other characters.

Brook despite having a fight at Dressrosa(which we easily forget) he only shined a little(really little) at WCI because he stole the Red Poneglyph.
So Brook shined let me see:
- In Dressrosa slightly
- In whole cake massively
- And a bit in Wano

Looks like Brook was done pretty good during that post time skip.

Robin is completely disappeared through the whole timeskip up to Wano.
Which is wrong as Robin shined during Dressrosa and the end of Wano. I think you are confusing the way Oda handles arcs focused on one character and arcs focused on a story.

Sanji had moments of fake hype when facing Vergo, Doflamingo. When he got his own arc (WCI) he still didn't had any fight only more fake hype with Oven and Daifuku.
Thinking that Sanji should get a fight when his entire storyline (WCI) is focusing on Sanji being the opposite of a fighter and someone nice in opposition to the will of his biological father, is a complete missunderstanding of Sanji's characterization and one of the reason why "common sense" is often "ignorant narrative stance". There is a narrative reason why Sanji didn't get a fight in WCI. And there was no "fake hype" there was no hype at all on Sanji having a fight, it was against the purpose of his storyline.

And if you really want to know why Sanji had such a beautiful character arc, here is the perfect video for you (and its not from me):

And talking about Sanji, his character was completely destroyed. After timeskip he is all about simping women and gag moments about it.
Again, the proof that you don't understand the character of Sanji at all like at least 70% of the Sanji fanbase.

At Wano he even said he wish he could hit a woman which goes against everything his character represents, he was suppose to be a gentleman and hitting a woman shouldn't even cross his mind it was never something that he was incapable of doing of incapable of thinking.
There is a context to that sentence.. if you forget the context it's logical that you don't understand this.

He was ready to give up on his dream because he didn't trust his captain to protect how is important to both of them(Zeff is important to Luffy too, of course)
Which is again... perfectly in character, watch the damn video.

He beated Luffy for nothing, there is no narrative to explain that beating.
Yes there is, you just don't understand it.

His speed feats in the arc got destroyed by his brother calling him too slow.
Which he was.

All the development they made about Sanji's backstory with his true family got destroyed at Wano arc (right the next arc).
No, it was just enhanced. Sanji finally accepted himself and his past as a part of who he was.

Post-timeskip is a disaster.
Damn.. A lot of lack of understanding here. But I'm not surprised.. most people here don't understand the narrative feat of Oda post time skip. They are too focused on what they "think" they analysed right and battles..
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