Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Kaku is as much lucci level as zoro is luffy or killer is kid

mihawk is never really going to look like a villain up against zoro
have to think 2 years of training in close proximity everyday would have left its mark .

that I think is the most critical block.
its hard to imagine an arc where he plays the role as an antagonist . Not so much for his clone whose potential might be even stronger than he is.

just spitballing tho , i think it might be oda's way of giving fans a mihawk zoro fight in a way that still fits the role his previous enemies played in the past. otherwise, I imagine an epilogue type format where everything is done and they duke it out for the title with no other stakes attached.
If s-hawk lives up to its full power i think it's gonna be between him and sword gorosei as zoro's final opponent
the correct answer was doriki never meant anything as it was measured through a blunt attack which disadvantages swordsmen like kaku who was further disadvantaged by measuring it before he ate his devil fruit

kaku and lucci becoming the only masked CP0 agents from CP9 while kaku awakening a DF in less than 2 years says everything you need to know about where he always stood power level wise :endthis:
Good on Kid for getting a second chance against Shanks. Him not facing Kaido for longer was disappointing but Law vs Teach along with Kid vs Shanks round II sounds great. Hopefully he shows off even more. Him seeing some more Conqueror's imbument will be pretty interesting and hopefully leads to him developing it in the future. Sadly neither Kid or Law really stands a chance at winning but like Law, I hope to see Kid show that he's improved since Wano. Can't wait.

The 2v1's against the Seraphim sound pretty whatever (I'd prefer Luffy and Zoro handling things) but S-Hawk having Mr 1's fruit sounds cool. I remember someone predicted it in the other forum a while ago as a way for S-Hawk to be an amalgamation of previous significant Zoro opponents so definitely a pretty good choice, plus allows him to boost his attacks in a reasonable way if he has no haki and allows Mr 1's fruit to remain relevant. Atleast Lucci and Kaku are back in action again.

Perhaps we'll also get Sanji's group vs S-Shark. I'd much prefer solo match-ups buy I guess the occassion calls for group fights which is pretty alright.

Gol D. Roger

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Nah, kudos to Kaku for mastering Awakening, but that ability doesn't put'em close to each other. For all we know, Lucci awakened the second the time skip began and has been mastering other techniques. Unless Oda addresses it, these relationships stay the same.
We don't know the correct breakdown of how they grew over the TS. Kaku demonstrated better improvements in base stats while Lucci showed none so far. And it doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things because Lucci had years with his DF vs Kaku's two years. Even as a fairly new user, Kaku demonstrated better DF utility before TS. I agree Lucci is still being put on a pedestal higher than Kaku, but it's reaching to think they're the same as how they were before TS when Kaku's showing clear signs of a faster growth rate.
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