observe the arguments rather then arguing and you'll see them
The spoilers said Beckmann took his arm though most likely, so I'm standing by that.
If I'm wrong so be it, but I can only handle so much ignorance and constant downplaying.
This place loves to gang up on people, both users on here and characters so I know I'm preaching to the choir too.
I've made my arguments and I stand them too. If they were more reasonable with their arguments/responses I would be too.
Wow a bullet penetrates a body.....lmao you know that's a how bullets work right? 🤣.
Maybe instead of just reading the spoilers, comprehend what it says kid. Kid and law hating Ben =/= Ben, the non-sword user, cutting off kids arm. Leakers speculation holds no meaning to me 👍🏾
Tell me did Ben Beckman, swing his arm in a sword slash motion before shooting kids arm off?
Sure dude, in an anime series, things like that are not possible at all either too? As I said, we dont know what happened, what they are capable of.
If you keep insisting it was Rockstar and it turns out to not be him as it shouldnt be at all, then I hope you look back on this with a lot of regret and self awareness. if I'm wrong, I'll do the same too, don't worry.
Also you're acting more like a kid here too. Spam more emojis.
But you know, you can't do anything wrong here apparently, only me!
Continue with your circlejerk anyway guys, gotta feel superior somehow right?