Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Shanks and Kid won't fight. If Oda wanted for that to happen he would've started with it without wasting time on Rockstar delivering a message and so on. Imo they will have a deal and part ways or something like that.
The local giants seem to be fond of Shanks, they will be on his side too. Law, for example, decided to fight because BB's crew and BB himself have a weakness on the open sea, he wasn't delusional, but smart. Kid had to be very stupid to try and fight Shanks on Elbaf, again. He'll just lose his second arm that way, nothing else.
It would be pretty unconquerorlike for Kidd to not fight

The story requires Shanks to get Kidd’s poneglyph rubbings here and I don’t see how Kidd would give them up without a fight

Gorosei Informer

Yeah, Zoro learned it by getting his haki pulled out from him by Enma

so in a way, he had a teacher
Even though its not explained, that is a cool concept though. Enma being his teacher, I didnt think of that, but I like it. Makes sense for his character, I did like him having to tame it.

I still like to think Mihawk taught him about though. I'll be genuinely mad if Mihawk doesnt have CoC lmao.

Gorosei Informer

Do you want me to teach you the difference between a bullet wound and cut made by a sword?
Do you want to read the spoilers again? Why it would be stated as that if it wasn't Beckmann? We dont know what his abilities are, nor Beckmann probably has a knife or machete too. We know Mihawk can do devastating stuff with a tiny knife, its not a stretch to imagine Beckmann can cut someones arm off with a knife/machete.

But you just want to make Kidd look bad and downplay him so go ahead lol. If I humour you and say Rockstar did it somehow, despite what the spoilers said already, that would be abysmal writing and just imagine it happening to your fave instead. Would you find it so funny and true then?
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