Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Well he asked the giants for help.
You can't seriously be insinuating that Shanks needs allies to beat Kidd:catsweat: I mean Kidd is strong but he's not that strong lol.
Not sure what exactly he needs the giants for, but he only asked for their help after stating that he didn't want the island to turn into a war zone. He doesn't need them to beat Kidd ^^". That's a wild take.
Can't really please the troll with facts so as usual they do their best to downplay Zoro's feats like this clown here.
Hakiless base Zoro equals g4 goofy and that is manga facts so go cry in the corner troll.:josad:
Dam so this means Hybrid Lucci and base Kaku is above Dolfamingo, King and all after YC1 afterall?

You're a genius, @nik87 is this one of your minions?

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