ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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i will say after he claims. he is obviously stalling and hiding rn. knows he fked up

he is caught in a lie and inconsistent logic twice

1. pretended dumb that we cant use actions, but he used one
2. 180 degree midnset swap on broki and who ever killed broki thats unexplained from thread given he wanted to vig her in his first life. his excuse was that broki flipped town so he changed his read but that doesnt explain why he auto suspects the role who killed her as if he town read broki all along which is compeltely not the case
The part where you talked about Adam not knowing actions could be used and used one I read that as nai because other players also didn't know about it. When you said Adam did use one afterwards I could see it go either way and he might have used an action afterwards after seeing players saying we could only target waves.

On number 2 where you talked about his 180 degree mindset that did look sus from him.
The part where you talked about Adam not knowing actions could be used and used one I read that as nai because other players also didn't know about it. When you said Adam did use one afterwards I could see it go either way and he might have used an action afterwards after seeing players saying we could only target waves.
Since it is something host related i don't think Rej should have any problems confirming that. I submitted an ability on waves but due to how i did it @Rej took it as a question and didn't use it on waves.

Hence why when Rej dropped the ability list i was confused abilities can be used cause i thought abilities used on waves aren't shown which odd then said they are and i said ok if that's that.

IDK why is this such an issue?


Certified Memelord

It's time lads... I shalt unleash upon you 2% of my full power, even tho these clown scums don't deserve to witness it...

case on adam

case on adam can be broken into 3 main stages, for simplicity and ease to follow what I am saying, I'll list out his quotes on each stage under a spoiler and outline why they come from a position of scum more than town, and why they dont logically add up with what he himself has been spouting.

Stage 1 - Adam 1.0 (who flipped town) strongly scum reads broki and naomi in day 3. He has established that he strongly thinks they are in cahoots and also wants to shoot Odd if they flipped scum. Later on Adam 2.0 reversed this mindset completely around broki, yet is shading naomi for unexplained reasons when broki flipped town. He has also completely dropped his sus of odd and ignored me asking him multiple times what is his current read of odd/naomi. If Adam flips scum i'd honestly look into Odd for a potential teammate.

Adam 1.0 posts:
How is the scum chat going?
Oh how wonderful both are here now once we started to talk about em
oh so you do have a pm with broki
and now you fall back to odd for protection
You got called out same as broki, appeared out of thin air same time as broki, broki asked me about ekko, you followed up same question, when called out on it you fall back to odd giving you lil bit of protection and now when that is called you bring last weebs
nah come on, out of all things here being said you jump on thing broki said earlier

You can't telegraph more you are in cahoots or smth
These posts r to broki and naomi. Adam scum strongly reads both for appearing at the same time to answer a similar question, and they both seem to be keeping up with thread yet not posting much. This is fair observation and i agreed with the broki read. Adam also adds in odd by association from naomi's posts. again he was town here. Do take note of his mindset regarding the 3 slots: odd, naomi, broki

I'm off to chill before sleep

If a vig wants to off broki and naomi he has my go
Anyway, i stayed up too much.

I'm still okay with these two being offed. If they flip scum off odd too.
Ah good and quite game, not needing to catch up 50 pages after waking up

After sleeping on it i'm firm on naomi and broki. There is either some miller chat going on or scum chat but i'm 100% sure they are in cahoots
Adam now makes his mind here before going to sleep and follows on with it after waking up. He wants broki and naomi vigged, and if they flip scum wants odd off'ed as well. Note the mindset.

Now Adam 2.0 posts:
Adam makes completely no mention of broki before her death in his second life, which is very odd on itself given how he scum read her and naomi very strongly as Adam 1.0. When she died, this was his first response:
This makes 0 sense looking at his posts from Adam 1.0. A transition like this only happens when he subs into a scum slot and now has a tmi that broki is town.

Also why are you all discusing broki flipping town?
Want me to be stubborn after the flip?

IDK why you guys act opinions cant change when new evidence is shown. Plus i said that i think cycle or two cycles before your death, shit happened.

Do i seriously need to explain this?
When me and broki asked adam about his inconsistent mindset of broki, he ignored it at first. After being questioned more his response was to deflect that he shouldn't be stubborn after the flip, BUT this doesn't explain if he scum or town read her before the flip. Adam 2.0 clearly makes ZERO mentions of broki before her death. If he scum read her, then why would he scum read the role who shot her instantly when HE HIMSELF wanted her vigged as Adam 1.0? that part still doesn't add up, especially when you factor in that he thought soulkiller (the town read player) was vigged (more on this on stage 2). Also he has yet to explain the bolded. Adam is unable to tell us what happened in what he "thinks" is a cycle or two between Adam 1.0's death and broki's death, which tells me he clearly hasn't read much of her posts after his first life. In fact broki barely has any posts in day 4 so Adam will never be able to explain how he transitioned from scum reading her strongly to town reading her to scum reading the role who killed her.

lastly for stage 1
Why would i purse broki after her town flip?

Plus you are still ok to shoot in my eyes
Adam here is basically just phoning in that scum read of Naomi. This is a stubborn and fake read that now makes no sense. His initial position regarding @Naomi was her and underworld broker being scum in cahoots. when broker flipped town, Adam did not bother making even a SINGLE post to talk about whether his read on Naomi has changed or not, and why. When I asked him about his new read on odd/naomi after broki's flip, adam ignored me 3 times. Here is one of them that was blatantly ignored by him:

if ur town answer this:

1. whats ur current read on odd and naomi
2. why do u scum read the person/role who killed broki when u wanted he to be vigged in ur past life

feel free to ignore if scum ^^


Stage 2 - The way Adam handled Biden (the alleged broki killer) was to instantly say the role is scummy, despite mentioning earlier in the day this about soul:

Well SK kill doesn't say it was from Mafia?

So a wild vig or a hidden sk or smth?
soul got superkilled by something at night, but Adam assumed that was coming from a vig/or serial killer. Meanwhile when someone kills underworld broker, adam "assumes" it is scum instantly. Why? Why does a vig kill soulkiller who is an "obvious" town read according to Adam, but a mafia kills underworld broker who he scum reads? how does any of this add up? complete bullshit POV from Adam. Guy is just making up position right now. Adam now wants to just paint Biden as a scum role, and use it to push for my lynch.

Personally if Ekko is Biden the biggest reason why go him and not Nessos is that Biden used an ability when all others couldn't
He aint dead cause he killed broki and there were no deaths after that

If he is scum why are you riding my ass about biden being town?

Ekko lmfao, you fumbled hard
Dont waste time on ekko lmfao
stop stalling and claim.
this is all pointless posturing and actually can be seen as a defense of nessos. Adam is being extremely opportunistic at painting me as scum biden here without replying to my questions about his inconsistent mindset on broki. when Biden was revealed to be mashiro blue, Adam made ZERO comments about it and ZERO comments about how his read of me has progressed. Adam's reads are not genuine. They are all manufactured and he is not following up on any of them logically. I was waiting for him to make at least one comment of how his read on me, naomi, and odd has progressed but there was NONE... nada...

kinda makes sense why he killed broki

bcs broki is easy to "frame as scum" and blame others when it goes south
what the fk does "frame as scum" even mean. Adam himself scum reads broki very strongly in his first life and now accuses me of killing her to frame her as scum???? and who am I blaming when it goes south??? what went south to begin with?? isnt it a scum job to kill town so how is killing broki "going south" if I am scum??? what the fk is this post. I have not killed broki but I would gladly do it if I could in day 5 or earlier. I have no idea what Adam is referring to with these statements and he does not explain when asked. he is unable to.


this stage is more mechanical than threadplay oriented, but it has a threadplay part that started it.

Fuck we could have used abilities???
adam here pretends to be dumb about being unable to use abilities. obviously this is bullshit because adam HAS SEEN players comment on using abilities on the waves, and we have mentioned multiple times which waves we are targeting. this post serves no purpose but to feign ignorance. it's faked. And Adam would have gotten away with it if he was not pressed further here:

ur saying u didn't use an ability? yes or no. this is important
Adam ignored this right away. he realized he fucked up. he played ignorant thinking none can catch him pretending to be dumb about not using abilities but when this post came adam went to hiding and stalling. Adam then made a post by end of day saying he did use an ability, BUT it did not appear on the WUs. this post was deleted for being few seconds late (which is a bullsht rule btw), but we have already seen it so we can't ignore it.

when questioned about it again today, Adam made this post:

Eh when did i use an action other than on waves? And even that didn't show up bcs Rej thought i was asking a question rather than submitting an action lmfao
I haven't asked him if he used an action on the waves or not. I asked him if he used an action period. He initially pretended to be dumb that we couldn't use actions altogether in the first quote I showed on stage 3. Adam already knows we could use actions. He is just playing dumb because he thought none would catch him.

Adam now spins it as "didn't show up bcs Rej thought i was asking a question rather than submitting an action" which is a complete foken baloney lol. The action is either processed or not. If it's processed it will show. If it's not processed it will not show. Period. Unless your actions don't appear in WUs like muugens. Adam wants to spin it here that his action did get processed but did now show which is bullshit.

If rej made a mistake and not show the action initially, he will update the WU to show it. Adam is just caught on a lie. Plain and simple. Adam did use an action, but it may or may not have appeared in the WU. Adam is crumbling here with his story of what happened.

If Adam has been asking rej questions, he more than already knows that he could use actions, so what was the purpose of saying: "Fuck we could have used abilities???"

Also the players in thread have said it multiple times in pages that he read that we will be targeting the waves / dont end day before we know who is targeting which wave / heck I remember someone tagged all players and asked them to target the waves.

Adam has no excuse to pretend dumb lol. He is done.

Vote adam. He is Scum. If Adam flips anything but scum I'm ready to offer my life and full claim next day. I am that confident on this.

we can have a second wagon on AM/pot/jules

Adam ... Adam.... i suggest you choose your next words carefully.. for they could be your last


It's time lads... I shalt unleash upon you 2% of my full power, even tho these clown scums don't deserve to witness it...

case on adam

case on adam can be broken into 3 main stages, for simplicity and ease to follow what I am saying, I'll list out his quotes on each stage under a spoiler and outline why they come from a position of scum more than town, and why they dont logically add up with what he himself has been spouting.

Stage 1 - Adam 1.0 (who flipped town) strongly scum reads broki and naomi in day 3. He has established that he strongly thinks they are in cahoots and also wants to shoot Odd if they flipped scum. Later on Adam 2.0 reversed this mindset completely around broki, yet is shading naomi for unexplained reasons when broki flipped town. He has also completely dropped his sus of odd and ignored me asking him multiple times what is his current read of odd/naomi. If Adam flips scum i'd honestly look into Odd for a potential teammate.

Adam 1.0 posts:

These posts r to broki and naomi. Adam scum strongly reads both for appearing at the same time to answer a similar question, and they both seem to be keeping up with thread yet not posting much. This is fair observation and i agreed with the broki read. Adam also adds in odd by association from naomi's posts. again he was town here. Do take note of his mindset regarding the 3 slots: odd, naomi, broki

Adam now makes his mind here before going to sleep and follows on with it after waking up. He wants broki and naomi vigged, and if they flip scum wants odd off'ed as well. Note the mindset.

Now Adam 2.0 posts:
Adam makes completely no mention of broki before her death in his second life, which is very odd on itself given how he scum read her and naomi very strongly as Adam 1.0. When she died, this was his first response:

This makes 0 sense looking at his posts from Adam 1.0. A transition like this only happens when he subs into a scum slot and now has a tmi that broki is town.

When me and broki asked adam about his inconsistent mindset of broki, he ignored it at first. After being questioned more his response was to deflect that he shouldn't be stubborn after the flip, BUT this doesn't explain if he scum or town read her before the flip. Adam 2.0 clearly makes ZERO mentions of broki before her death. If he scum read her, then why would he scum read the role who shot her instantly when HE HIMSELF wanted her vigged as Adam 1.0? that part still doesn't add up, especially when you factor in that he thought soulkiller (the town read player) was vigged (more on this on stage 2). Also he has yet to explain the bolded. Adam is unable to tell us what happened in what he "thinks" is a cycle or two between Adam 1.0's death and broki's death, which tells me he clearly hasn't read much of her posts after his first life. In fact broki barely has any posts in day 4 so Adam will never be able to explain how he transitioned from scum reading her strongly to town reading her to scum reading the role who killed her.

lastly for stage 1

Adam here is basically just phoning in that scum read of Naomi. This is a stubborn and fake read that now makes no sense. His initial position regarding @Naomi was her and underworld broker being scum in cahoots. when broker flipped town, Adam did not bother making even a SINGLE post to talk about whether his read on Naomi has changed or not, and why. When I asked him about his new read on odd/naomi after broki's flip, adam ignored me 3 times. Here is one of them that was blatantly ignored by him:


Stage 2 - The way Adam handled Biden (the alleged broki killer) was to instantly say the role is scummy, despite mentioning earlier in the day this about soul:

soul got superkilled by something at night, but Adam assumed that was coming from a vig/or serial killer. Meanwhile when someone kills underworld broker, adam "assumes" it is scum instantly. Why? Why does a vig kill soulkiller who is an "obvious" town read according to Adam, but a mafia kills underworld broker who he scum reads? how does any of this add up? complete bullshit POV from Adam. Guy is just making up position right now. Adam now wants to just paint Biden as a scum role, and use it to push for my lynch.

this is all pointless posturing and actually can be seen as a defense of nessos. Adam is being extremely opportunistic at painting me as scum biden here without replying to my questions about his inconsistent mindset on broki. when Biden was revealed to be mashiro blue, Adam made ZERO comments about it and ZERO comments about how his read of me has progressed. Adam's reads are not genuine. They are all manufactured and he is not following up on any of them logically. I was waiting for him to make at least one comment of how his read on me, naomi, and odd has progressed but there was NONE... nada...

what the fk does "frame as scum" even mean. Adam himself scum reads broki very strongly in his first life and now accuses me of killing her to frame her as scum???? and who am I blaming when it goes south??? what went south to begin with?? isnt it a scum job to kill town so how is killing broki "going south" if I am scum??? what the fk is this post. I have not killed broki but I would gladly do it if I could in day 5 or earlier. I have no idea what Adam is referring to with these statements and he does not explain when asked. he is unable to.


this stage is more mechanical than threadplay oriented, but it has a threadplay part that started it.

adam here pretends to be dumb about being unable to use abilities. obviously this is bullshit because adam HAS SEEN players comment on using abilities on the waves, and we have mentioned multiple times which waves we are targeting. this post serves no purpose but to feign ignorance. it's faked. And Adam would have gotten away with it if he was not pressed further here:

Adam ignored this right away. he realized he fucked up. he played ignorant thinking none can catch him pretending to be dumb about not using abilities but when this post came adam went to hiding and stalling. Adam then made a post by end of day saying he did use an ability, BUT it did not appear on the WUs. this post was deleted for being few seconds late (which is a bullsht rule btw), but we have already seen it so we can't ignore it.

when questioned about it again today, Adam made this post:

I haven't asked him if he used an action on the waves or not. I asked him if he used an action period. He initially pretended to be dumb that we couldn't use actions altogether in the first quote I showed on stage 3. Adam already knows we could use actions. He is just playing dumb because he thought none would catch him.

Adam now spins it as "didn't show up bcs Rej thought i was asking a question rather than submitting an action" which is a complete foken baloney lol. The action is either processed or not. If it's processed it will show. If it's not processed it will not show. Period. Unless your actions don't appear in WUs like muugens. Adam wants to spin it here that his action did get processed but did now show which is bullshit.

If rej made a mistake and not show the action initially, he will update the WU to show it. Adam is just caught on a lie. Plain and simple. Adam did use an action, but it may or may not have appeared in the WU. Adam is crumbling here with his story of what happened.

If Adam has been asking rej questions, he more than already knows that he could use actions, so what was the purpose of saying: "Fuck we could have used abilities???"

Also the players in thread have said it multiple times in pages that he read that we will be targeting the waves / dont end day before we know who is targeting which wave / heck I remember someone tagged all players and asked them to target the waves.

Adam has no excuse to pretend dumb lol. He is done.

Vote adam. He is Scum. If Adam flips anything but scum I'm ready to offer my life and full claim next day. I am that confident on this.

we can have a second wagon on AM/pot/jules

Adam ... Adam.... i suggest you choose your next words carefully.. for they could be your last

That implies that you are unsure of Adam.
I notice yall ignore my earlier post but it's okay, yall gonna be paying me lots of attention this DP.

When did you say this? This is news to me.

I asked you a question for clarification. I did not make a statement. At least I know where you voting this DP scum. Your reaction alone makes you scummy smh.

They both scum that's why and I called them out on it.
With 48 hour phases, I lost track. You seemed to be good a taking selective quotes from me, but not so good at finding specific ones.

but I’m sure I’ll manage to find when I said I was rolecrushed.
I’m sure *you’ll manage to find*
Vote count as of post 8802

Bakidou: Oddoddfruit > Kagurashii
Brokie: Pot Goblin
Naomi: Pot Goblin
T-Pein: AlwaysMind
Udell: Kagurashii
Destroya: AlwaysMind
Kagurashii: AlwaysMind
Random Asshole: AlwaysMind
Ekkologix: Adam
Pot Goblin: AlwaysMind
AlwaysMind: Udell > Adam
Rottkins: Adam

AlwaysMind: 5
Adam: 3
Pot Goblin/Kagurashii: 2

@Mashiro Blue [???][Superkilled N3]
@Random Asshole
@Ariess [Oliver "Ladykiller" Biscuit][Modkilled D3]
@MonochromeYoru @Worst [???][Killed N3]
@Lord Evil @Worst [Sesshomaru][Killed N1]
@Gambit @Adam 🍎
@MangoSenpai @Dr. Watson [Shadows House][Killed N1]
@Zolo @Adam 🍎 [Random Super Powers][Killed N2]
@Fujishiro @Apollo [The Nakano Quintuplets][Lynched D2]
@AL sama @Reborn
@MUUGEN [Conan Edogawa][Lynched D3]
@SoulKiller [???][Superkilled N3]
@Indigo @Flower @Kobe
@Lord Tentei [Jigen][Lynched D1]
@BakiDou [???][Superkilled D2]---[Revived D2]
@Xlaw @Midnight Delight
@Underworld Broker [Bonehilda][Superkilled D4]---[Revived D4]
@MitchMatch @Psylocke
@Nessos [Raiden Shogun][Lynched D4]
@Ryu Kishi @Pot Goblin

Vote Lynch oddoddfruit
ryu slot was scum lean, and his new sub in, lean scum from past game looks same.

Vote Pot Goblin
lets lynch another scum.

Vote lynch ALways Mid
Vote Lynch Kagurashii
This is a good place to start this day. People seem to have forgotten that the ability he submitted to Eurovision was pretty scummy.

Vote Always
Vote Lynch Always Mind
[Vote Lynch Alwaysmind]
Vote Lynch Kagurashii

As i said the vassal weapon was used in the last day and the role who used it gained a huge sum of money, odd said that he only used 1 ability and somehow managed to be in the top 2, surpassing 9 people, just bellow Kagurashi, the people he surpassed cant have the vassal fan because they would be richer otherwise, the only exception are people like Kagurashi, who were already rich and could have used this fan ability, but then the question would be how tf did odd surpassed so many people with only 1 ability.
And another suspect would be someone like Destroya who went in the top 4( 19th place>4)

I will vote for Kagurashi this day phase tho, alwaysmind can be a good choice also, Pot also, idk.
Vote Lynch Alwaysmind
Vote lynch udell

for being purposely misconstruing what I wrote
Change Vote lynch adam
[Vote Lynch Adam]

@T-Peinβ„’ @Destroya @Charlie @Midnight Delight @Underworld Broker @Naomi

vote adam. im confident on this

we can leave a small second wagon on pot/AM

@Pot Goblin @Alwaysmind ur only options to live today is to vote adam.

It's time lads... I shalt unleash upon you 2% of my full power, even tho these clown scums don't deserve to witness it...

case on adam

case on adam can be broken into 3 main stages, for simplicity and ease to follow what I am saying, I'll list out his quotes on each stage under a spoiler and outline why they come from a position of scum more than town, and why they dont logically add up with what he himself has been spouting.

Stage 1 - Adam 1.0 (who flipped town) strongly scum reads broki and naomi in day 3. He has established that he strongly thinks they are in cahoots and also wants to shoot Odd if they flipped scum. Later on Adam 2.0 reversed this mindset completely around broki, yet is shading naomi for unexplained reasons when broki flipped town. He has also completely dropped his sus of odd and ignored me asking him multiple times what is his current read of odd/naomi. If Adam flips scum i'd honestly look into Odd for a potential teammate.

Adam 1.0 posts:

These posts r to broki and naomi. Adam scum strongly reads both for appearing at the same time to answer a similar question, and they both seem to be keeping up with thread yet not posting much. This is fair observation and i agreed with the broki read. Adam also adds in odd by association from naomi's posts. again he was town here. Do take note of his mindset regarding the 3 slots: odd, naomi, broki

Adam now makes his mind here before going to sleep and follows on with it after waking up. He wants broki and naomi vigged, and if they flip scum wants odd off'ed as well. Note the mindset.

Now Adam 2.0 posts:
Adam makes completely no mention of broki before her death in his second life, which is very odd on itself given how he scum read her and naomi very strongly as Adam 1.0. When she died, this was his first response:

This makes 0 sense looking at his posts from Adam 1.0. A transition like this only happens when he subs into a scum slot and now has a tmi that broki is town.

When me and broki asked adam about his inconsistent mindset of broki, he ignored it at first. After being questioned more his response was to deflect that he shouldn't be stubborn after the flip, BUT this doesn't explain if he scum or town read her before the flip. Adam 2.0 clearly makes ZERO mentions of broki before her death. If he scum read her, then why would he scum read the role who shot her instantly when HE HIMSELF wanted her vigged as Adam 1.0? that part still doesn't add up, especially when you factor in that he thought soulkiller (the town read player) was vigged (more on this on stage 2). Also he has yet to explain the bolded. Adam is unable to tell us what happened in what he "thinks" is a cycle or two between Adam 1.0's death and broki's death, which tells me he clearly hasn't read much of her posts after his first life. In fact broki barely has any posts in day 4 so Adam will never be able to explain how he transitioned from scum reading her strongly to town reading her to scum reading the role who killed her.

lastly for stage 1

Adam here is basically just phoning in that scum read of Naomi. This is a stubborn and fake read that now makes no sense. His initial position regarding @Naomi was her and underworld broker being scum in cahoots. when broker flipped town, Adam did not bother making even a SINGLE post to talk about whether his read on Naomi has changed or not, and why. When I asked him about his new read on odd/naomi after broki's flip, adam ignored me 3 times. Here is one of them that was blatantly ignored by him:


Stage 2 - The way Adam handled Biden (the alleged broki killer) was to instantly say the role is scummy, despite mentioning earlier in the day this about soul:

soul got superkilled by something at night, but Adam assumed that was coming from a vig/or serial killer. Meanwhile when someone kills underworld broker, adam "assumes" it is scum instantly. Why? Why does a vig kill soulkiller who is an "obvious" town read according to Adam, but a mafia kills underworld broker who he scum reads? how does any of this add up? complete bullshit POV from Adam. Guy is just making up position right now. Adam now wants to just paint Biden as a scum role, and use it to push for my lynch.

this is all pointless posturing and actually can be seen as a defense of nessos. Adam is being extremely opportunistic at painting me as scum biden here without replying to my questions about his inconsistent mindset on broki. when Biden was revealed to be mashiro blue, Adam made ZERO comments about it and ZERO comments about how his read of me has progressed. Adam's reads are not genuine. They are all manufactured and he is not following up on any of them logically. I was waiting for him to make at least one comment of how his read on me, naomi, and odd has progressed but there was NONE... nada...

what the fk does "frame as scum" even mean. Adam himself scum reads broki very strongly in his first life and now accuses me of killing her to frame her as scum???? and who am I blaming when it goes south??? what went south to begin with?? isnt it a scum job to kill town so how is killing broki "going south" if I am scum??? what the fk is this post. I have not killed broki but I would gladly do it if I could in day 5 or earlier. I have no idea what Adam is referring to with these statements and he does not explain when asked. he is unable to.


this stage is more mechanical than threadplay oriented, but it has a threadplay part that started it.

adam here pretends to be dumb about being unable to use abilities. obviously this is bullshit because adam HAS SEEN players comment on using abilities on the waves, and we have mentioned multiple times which waves we are targeting. this post serves no purpose but to feign ignorance. it's faked. And Adam would have gotten away with it if he was not pressed further here:

Adam ignored this right away. he realized he fucked up. he played ignorant thinking none can catch him pretending to be dumb about not using abilities but when this post came adam went to hiding and stalling. Adam then made a post by end of day saying he did use an ability, BUT it did not appear on the WUs. this post was deleted for being few seconds late (which is a bullsht rule btw), but we have already seen it so we can't ignore it.

when questioned about it again today, Adam made this post:

I haven't asked him if he used an action on the waves or not. I asked him if he used an action period. He initially pretended to be dumb that we couldn't use actions altogether in the first quote I showed on stage 3. Adam already knows we could use actions. He is just playing dumb because he thought none would catch him.

Adam now spins it as "didn't show up bcs Rej thought i was asking a question rather than submitting an action" which is a complete foken baloney lol. The action is either processed or not. If it's processed it will show. If it's not processed it will not show. Period. Unless your actions don't appear in WUs like muugens. Adam wants to spin it here that his action did get processed but did now show which is bullshit.

If rej made a mistake and not show the action initially, he will update the WU to show it. Adam is just caught on a lie. Plain and simple. Adam did use an action, but it may or may not have appeared in the WU. Adam is crumbling here with his story of what happened.

If Adam has been asking rej questions, he more than already knows that he could use actions, so what was the purpose of saying: "Fuck we could have used abilities???"

Also the players in thread have said it multiple times in pages that he read that we will be targeting the waves / dont end day before we know who is targeting which wave / heck I remember someone tagged all players and asked them to target the waves.

Adam has no excuse to pretend dumb lol. He is done.

Vote adam. He is Scum. If Adam flips anything but scum I'm ready to offer my life and full claim next day. I am that confident on this.

we can have a second wagon on AM/pot/jules

Adam ... Adam.... i suggest you choose your next words carefully.. for they could be your last

did adam claim his character?

i don't like gambit entrance, nor beky looking fake about his wife being killed, look like he did it and pretend shock. when he wanted us killed in first sub in.

ryu/pot goblin-scum
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