Character Discussion Zoro's lineage is revealed by Oda

Is Zoro a real/true/direct/main Shimotsuki?

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Never Feed The Badders Pasta



Zoro is a main character right Zolobois but Oda doesn't even care enough to explore his character

It's over Zoricucks this is embarrassing

Thinking Zoro stans on WG give a toss about his character development is funnier. As long as Zoro cut, slash and looks cool. Nothing else matters and I have been told Oda is Zoro's biggest stan so here you have it, Oda only cares about Zoro cutting, slashing and looking cool.
Zoro's dad might actually be the most awesome and best dad here but who tf cares??? This is WG where everyhting has to be about powerlevels. Judge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Luffy and Zoro's daddies. Argue with Oda:goyea:
Thinking Zoro stans on WG give a toss about his character development is funnier. As long as Zoro cut, slash and looks cool. Nothing else matters and I have been told Oda is Zoro's biggest stan so here you have it, Oda only cares about Zoro cutting, slashing and looking cool.
Zoro's dad might actually be the most awesome and best dad here but who tf cares??? This is WG where everyhting has to be about powerlevels. Judge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Luffy and Zoro's daddies. Argue with Oda:goyea:
Kyros best daddy
Well thank you Oda for that crystal clear post about zoro's lineage. It's definitely not like you are 2 years, one island and 17000 redundant panels too late or something.

Also we got some super revealing information and literally and figuratively everything in this SBS is shocklingly enlightening. The perfect timing of this information is just the topping! Wonderful, how you masterfully waited to drop these infos up until the very perfect state of story. Zoro was literally never in a place more suiting for these information than on Egghead before.

Considering how immensely stronger and more influential are Oden and Ryuma compared to Snack-level Judge...

Yes they are IMMENSELY better lol

If anything this traces the difference between Zoro and Sanji once again

Luffy = leeches from Dragon, Garp, Joy Boy/Sun God Nika
Zoro = leeches from Oden and Sword God Ryuma
Sanji = leeches from... daddy Judge
The delusion is real.

Just to explain how stupid your posts are. If David Beckhams daughter marries John Anderson, they have a son and that son is named Michael Anderson will that delete the Beckham heritage? No, it doesn't. Simply means his mom took her husbands surname which is common in 80 % of the world.
Thankfully Zoro is a Roronoa, tho, so... :cabbagestar:

At least we finally get an answer jeez. I quite like that Zoro is a nobody. RIP Asashi and Tera, gone too soon.
My favorite part of all this, ngl. :rosismile:

No there's not lol. Assume his grandma was 100% Shimotsuki; assume his grandad was 100% Roronoa.

His dad is half Shimotsuki, half Roronoa. His mum is some random.

So Zoro is quarter Shimotsuki, quarter Roronoa and half of whatever his mother Tera was. He simply took the name Roronoa.
Damn, even better! :pepehawk:
zoro is more of a roronoa than shimotsuki. roronoa family is a nobody or something special. also lol a 19 years old outsider with few weeks stay in wano already rivaled their homegrown hero 400 years ago. this is a huge clouts and fame. ryuma life and heroism is documented in wano history for 400 years while luffy heroism is more mythical in just mere 1 weeks. imagine a month and a years later. luffy will surpassed ryuma in clout and fame in wano.


Kitetsu Wanker
1/4th Shimotsuki, assuming his one grandma was pureblood Shimotsuki.
1/4th Roroanoa, assuming his grandpa was pureblood Roronoa.
1/4th criminal bloodline which can belong to Roger, the Pirate King.
1/4th to the bloodline of whoever that criminal got pregnant. It can belong to Rocks' daughter.

So, Zori might end up a mix of Shimotsuki, Gol D, Rocks D and Roronoa.
Funny how Oda leaves an opportunity to have Zoro go from nobodies to most famous bloodline mix.
His Roronoa name would be the only one without fame.
A name that Zoro will take to the heavens and surpass all other names.
Either way, Zoro's name reaches the heavens. :finally: