Which One is the Most Heart Melting Confession?

  • Flower's Tragic Love Confession

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  • Charlie's Work Affair Confession

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  • Xeno's Court Confession Case

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Ultra already pointed out that Kinzo could count as one of the 6 sacrifices.
oh that's fair point

still, if we we're to follow epitaph completely, 2 people should die on the second twilight

when we look at old maid's and chef's death - gourge the stomach and kill makes sense for chef, but why is old maid reffered to as "chest"? she doesn't even wear family symbol on her chest
still, if we we're to follow epitaph completely, 2 people should die on the second twilight
Being torn apart doesn’t mean both died. If one killed the other, that’s “torn apart”
when we look at old maid's and chef's death - gourge the stomach and kill makes sense for chef, but why is old maid reffered to as "chest"? she doesn't even wear family symbol on her chest
No idea why she’d be the chest lol.
Vote Lynch Dr_Professor83

I don't know enough about everybody's playstyle to really trust anyone yet, or to know what your brands of "playing scummy" are like. So I'm just going to do what I think is the safest vote. Best case scenario, lying scum dies. Worst case scenario, we lose a "pro-town" player who isn't even that pro town.
Present an explanation for T2 being a locked room and both of them being dead based on available evidence. I literally can't. In T1/T5/T6 it's at least hypothetically possible they're all dead.
There is no other way for them to have been killed in the locked room. Only way for one to not be a culprit faking death, is if the door wasn’t really locked.

I think based on us knowing there are fake deaths, their spot in the poem not confirming their deaths, and Shannon “unlocking the door” that it’s a pretty safe bet one is involved.
given that Natsuhi is barely a character and expaining anything in regards to her would be impossible, i think it's more plausible that Krauss lives
I guess if we assume they aren’t all working together lol.

Like, if they were, I get why they would kill the Doctor if he’s in on it (to silence him). But not sure why kill your daughter lol.
i'm under assumption doctor only checked if head buttler is dead, he believes that children wouldn't be mistanken, but he didn't check it himself

Nanjo: No one is going to mistakenly confirm a death, even those other than myself.
i'd say Krauss and Natsuhi couldn't kill other one since epitaph says "those who remain shall tear them apart"
I mean if one of them killed the other they can be included in “them” and “those that remain”.

Bigger thing, is do you think the room would not really be locked?
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