Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the traitor?

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Are people aware that Seraphims, due to their Lunarian powers, survived a combined attack from Gear 4 Armament Luffy + Three Sword Armament Zoro + Zoan Lucci (with an attack that hurts the insides) + Kaku?

Because if S-Hawk and S-Bear went KO, then it wouldn't make sense for Zoro to notice that they have the same power of King of eating attacks and coming out unscathed

This means that

1) Seraphims, King and Lunarians are even tougher than we thought, hurting them for real truly is a different thing
2) Either Greenbull is crazy strong or King was notably nerfed by his wounds

And also

3) Oda is fucking retarded for prolonging this forever, for fuck's sake how the fuck are we supposed to believe that Zoro can create the plan to counter Mr 2's DF power, understand King's power etc

And not notice that these guys have the same body features of King and especially his freaking flame, are people going around with flames on their back a common thing??

I would also expect elite CP0 agents such as Lucci and Kaku to know what Lunarians are and to recognize their traits, even to know that Seraphims are based on Lunarians

Come on this is just stupid
All with the purpose of wasting time
Seraphims will get up and they will attack them afain this time with Adv Coc (dunno what Kaku and Lucci can do, even Lucci's internal-damaging attack didn't work)

So a shit ton of chapters wasted with these fuckers
This arc seemed exciting
But now is becoming the usual dogshit
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