Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the traitor?

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if people only see that her DF powers works based on lust and not able to accept that it is not just that, then Usopp is a pedo
people in this forum doesn't know people attractions go beyond just lust...

now coming to Usopp case, we don't know what reason he turned into stone....yeah, it could be that Usopp is a pedo, which I highly doubt...
So if the judge and Caesar realization isn’t in the MADS flashback, there’s a possibility that the people kidnapping the CP and killing Vegapunk is Judge and Caesar.

Caesar could easily sneak around egghead since he’s a gas logia and judge and the Germa fleet could kidnap the Cp members pretty easily. Not to mention in this cover story we’ve seen that Caesar’s gas has hallucinatory effects as such Caesar could make the Seraphim think he’s Stella and give that command.

So there’s no traitor. It’s Caesar and Judge
all of them couldn't react , that's the point clown ; too big for Law to use shambles to get himself out of there ? to big for Luffy to do something instead of waiting for death ? lmao he didn't just learn barrier haki ? their asses are slow and Zoro moved faster than them ; and how Zoro would move while Luffy was beside him getting koed clown ? :gokulaugh:

and why he could use Haki under water :gokulaugh:

he didn't perceive her as enemy ? mf he couldn't even react to her ; and he said it's tough

until now u are only looking like a clown ; from Zoro's back touching ground cope ; to Batman cope to ; to Hakai feat cope and now haki cope ; mf said haki can't be used when sea stones are there while luffy could use Hardening under water :kuzanshut:
You shouldn’t call people names
This could be said about any kind of fanfic
Fanfics are originally interesting side stories for what-if adventures almost like the anime filler, or alternate universes.

Not just "push your headcanon and completely make characters OOC."

That's why the terms IC and OOC exist. The good fanfics are the former. There's so many good writers on AO3 that capture Oda's comedy, or write the characters to standard. ...then there's trash like that that rewrite things they don't agree with and change characters completely.
No proof of this. They didn't move because hakai was too big to dodge. Zoro with his feet speed cannot catch Apoo.

The panels clearly showed Luffy wasn't moving when Zoro charged toward Hakai so yes. It's not Zoro's speed feat when he's the only one moving.
Luffy mastered adv CoA , why his ass couldn't move faster and block hakai using barrier haki ? all of what you type since the beginning are some hard headcanons and cope ; all of what u got is just excuses that even some users here calling u an alt of someone , foh Zoro on panel moved faster than them all , Luffy has the same thing that Zoro has and could do the same thing that Zoro did but his ass was slower despite perceiving the attack let's not talk about Law :vistalaugh:
Luffy clearly said he cannot use haki.

Luffy used haki under water
Luffy let his guard down unlike Zoro.
Luffy is a CoO user , tf u mean dropped his guard ; Luffy was dropping his guard in FMI and could perceive that someone was attacking shirahochi ; that's CoO WORK clown ; it helps u at reacting either dropping ur guard or not :vistalaugh:
Ypur emojis make you pathetic clown.
Crazy how u didn't provide a single point ; and all of them are excuses
So if the judge and Caesar realization isn’t in the MADS flashback, there’s a possibility that the people kidnapping the CP and killing Vegapunk is Judge and Caesar.

Caesar could easily sneak around egghead since he’s a gas logia and judge and the Germa fleet could kidnap the Cp members pretty easily. Not to mention in this cover story we’ve seen that Caesar’s gas has hallucinatory effects as such Caesar could make the Seraphim think he’s Stella and give that command.

So there’s no traitor. It’s Caesar and Judge
OMG I want this now.
So if the judge and Caesar realization isn’t in the MADS flashback, there’s a possibility that the people kidnapping the CP and killing Vegapunk is Judge and Caesar.

Caesar could easily sneak around egghead since he’s a gas logia and judge and the Germa fleet could kidnap the Cp members pretty easily. Not to mention in this cover story we’ve seen that Caesar’s gas has hallucinatory effects as such Caesar could make the Seraphim think he’s Stella and give that command.

So there’s no traitor. It’s Caesar and Judge
The impostor is in egg head for two months, two months ago judge and ceasar were in whole cake
Luffy mastered adv CoA , why his ass couldn't move faster and block hakai using barrier haki ? all of what you type since the beginning are some hard headcanons and cope ; all of what u got is just excuses that even some users here calling u an alt of someone , foh Zoro on panel moved faster than them all , Luffy has the same thing that Zoro has and could do the same thing that Zoro did but his ass was slower despite perceiving the attack let's not talk about Law :vistalaugh:

Luffy used haki under water

Luffy is a CoO user , tf u mean dropped his guard ; Luffy was dropping his guard in FMI and could perceive that someone was attacking shirahochi ; that's CoO WORK clown ; it helps u at reacting either dropping ur guard or not :vistalaugh:

Crazy how u didn't provide a single point ; and all of them are excuses
Killer clearly said they cannot avoid it. Barrier haki won't help him to dodge

They didn't move because Hakai was too big. You cannot debunk this.

Why did Luffy say if only I could use haki here?

Why did you ignore this?

Luffy let his guard down just like Zoro let his guard down against Hiyori

Why couldn't Zoro react to Hiyori trying to pull his arm which in turn hurt Zoro?

You didn't address a single point clown. Running away from arguments and posting emojis won't make you any better. It makes you insecure because that's the only way you can cope against posts that you cannot debunk.
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