Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the traitor?

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seen a bit of discussion specifically on lunarians and why they are extinct if their durability is this impressive
on average its prob not this special
willing to believe more specifically, its king's that is .

Hence why he was the sole survivor and the subject of experimentation for the Wg .
iirc kaido mentioned the sequence of endurance test they ringed him through as a kid .
good example
oden , momo , big mom have tougher bodies than average humans .

dont doubt lunarians are tough , but king particularly seems tougher even amonst his folks. No one experiments/makes clones with average joe's, you pick the exceptional ones.
Like you said, not all Lunarians were fighters or share the same expériences, fighting abilities, physical stats with King.
He is probably the strongest among them.

So it's normal if weaker or average lunarian got wiped up by any decents fighters.

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
Dude King with flame on dodge zoro attacks before acoc ...
Yeah, coz he was charging at Zoro with flame attacks. You don't have to stop avoiding attacks just because you don't get hurt. You do that for an uninterrupted offense too. There is a reason why we were specifically given a scene of Zoro mocking King for blocking his attacks after King pointed out that Zoro noticed his weakness i.e., to tell us King's defense doesn't work now, which is what frustrated King into facing Zoro instead of just outlasting him like he was doing before Zoro's CoC.
King > kata
Is like saying zoro > Luffy
Which is wrong

If King was above kata, he'd fight Luffy or Kid or law not Zoro.
He will have CoC + awakening or adhaki, not rely on genetics only
Lmao what importance you give Kata bro, he's another commander of the bunch.

Fighting Luffy is not an argument , otherwise we would all be seeing Hody being praised lmao.


The Rogue Prince
The moment you quote Nik is when your credibility falls lol.
@nik87 was right about Lunarians all along.
He made threads about it even but was mocked by ppl, myself included.
You gotta give props where its due.

Zoro needed CoC to overcome King, these attacks are literally what pressures Zoro and makes him not want to confront Zoro in CQC flame mode or not.
He never needed it TACy.
The fight was never about overcoming Lunarian defense, it was about exploiting Flame Off.

There are still zero panels of Flame.On Lunarians being injured after Zoro vs King, GB vs King, Teach vs S Hawk and Egghead. Theyre just downright invincible in Flame.On.
It is not about race. Mechanism is the same. Scales or Lunarian will offer you exterior toughness. Internal organs are internal. And internal destruction mechanism to bypass external defense. Like how red roc worked.
Then we are back at the start, you are assuming the defense is only external but that hasn't been confirmed (it could be the case).


Kitetsu Wanker
Luffy knows about Kaido's durability and acquires a specific ability --->
Kaido didn't lose or get low diffed

Katakuri's secret is known---> doesn't lose to Boundman and tanks 3 moves nor shortly after
Lasts hours and still matches fs g4 in the end.

When awakened law and kid bypass BM durability---> she tanks even more offscreen and on screen
Doesn't lose badly

When it comes to King: loses in 3 moves *low diff to EnOu zoro
Everyone is one-shot when facing Zoro because he aint hitting them with healing punches. :milaugh:
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