Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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Stella: Captured
Shaka: Dead
Lilith: Petrified
Edison: Unconscious
Pythagoras: Dead
Atlas: Fine
York: Traitor

Vegapunk bros, it's not looking good :usoprice:
I don't think Oda is going to kill off all of them.

Lilith, Edison, and Atlas will probably be the only survivors along with the real Vegapunk unless the real Vegapunk also dies by the end of the arc.

As for York, she is either going to be killed thanks to Saturn or she will somehow live and escape on her own.
You think Saturn gives a darn about the CP agents. He'll probably want them dead for failing their mission.
I'd think so too if Spandam and all of CP9 didn't get a damn promotion after Enies Lobby
I just don't know what else York's gameplan could be. Right now it seems like a really dumb idea for someone with access to the smartest brain in the world.
What waste more energy 1 conquerors attacks to win or fighting for 20 minutes making no progress
Its the weirdest fucking logic. Zoro and luffy coulda 1 shot the seraphim 20 mins ago and
I can keep giving you these examples. There's not a single race born with the same abilities that don't have individual differences. Stop being bitter and stooping too low just to avoid admitting one character is overpowered.
What about the fact that all fishman have the ability to breath under water? Any example of individual differences of that?
She's still a Vegapunk so has the immense knowledge and intellect to continue being useful to the CD.
Good point, how important Punk Records or the poneglyph research is to the Celestial Dragon's might be the key. They did say not to destroy anything. Depending on how much they need it, that may be what York holds hostage.
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