Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Tough to say tbh. I always thought they'll have a Akainu could never surpass Dragon because Dragon was always a step ahead rivalry
Dragon just being the son of garp and father of luffy already gets tons of hype just for that so its hard to imagine the other marines being stronger. Even ignoring the other hype dragon has

Do you have any opinions yet on which marine will be taken down by cross guild yet? Personally thinking garp because @Dark-Abel tbh
The only reason luffy is still alive is because of plot and multiple people fighting with him…and get he still ended up like Kidd 4 times in one arc

now we are seeing what it’s like to face thes yonkos alone without help and they are getting demolished

don’t forget the 2+ power ups and rest and eating luffy got before defeating kaido

i still see so many people youtubers especially trying to argue that Luffy indeed won in a 1vs1 against Kaido. Kaido when he one shotted him at the beginning could have gotten rid of Luffy immediately. Zoro the scabbards plus kaido holding up onigashima are no factors all of a sudden? Thats why i like Odas potrayel of Shanks here right now.
Expect they didn't mention that anywhere and they gave it to him just on strength
When they gave his reason for bounty there was nothing about marine hunting
For croc was his logia power and intelligence
For buggy it was the impeldown shit and having mihawk buggy as officers

For mihawk? Stronger than shanks
@comrade @HA001 OF THE RAIN
They also say buggy has the power to command crocodile and mihawk
York will resurrect the Iron Giant to aid WG but Laffitte will mind control it with hypnotizing, the Giant proceeds to solo and crush every single Seraphim under Laffitte's orders, only for Saturn to step in and one shot the Giant with an epic attack. All ultimately serving as the grandiose entrance hype for the Five Elders that we hoped to see for a long time.

@Jailer @SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @MarineHQ @Reborn @God Buggy
cant say that until fool summary / raws :wellwell:
:kayneshrug:Well wait then

Kid can most likely solo his crew. What difference does it make if he just one shot kid ?
Not a different but he did beat only kid

saying kid or kid pirates is basically the same thing.
It isn't

It isn’t supposed to be a super rare ability now that the Strawhats are up against characters at the highest tier

Luffy (Yonko), Kaido (Yonko), and Shanks (also Yonko) have all used it

I expect a few other characters to be added to that list by the end. Mihawk (his old title was Clairvoyant or something like that), Yasopp based on Film Red, the Admirals, etc

Nothing wrong with that

The list of ACoC users will likely be expanded by the end as well

That’s just how it goes
FS users are the mightiest
Katakuri is low top tier/top inbetweener

Everyone with fs is inbetweener at least
Yassop doesn't have fs based on red volume notes...that's only in the movie where ussop even matches his CoO.
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