I still never got to experience a chapter where this whole forum had to collectively give Kidd his props. No matter what good moment he had, he was always still hated on. I’m heartbroken

I don't think Vegeta ever got any wins especially before Super too, he was always the hype tool, the one getting worfed and playing underdog/catchup and thats what it feels like Kidd. Hes a hype too for Luffys opponents. Kaido wrecked Kidd way before Luffy got to fight him after all ofc.
Bakugo has always lived in the shadow of Deku too, never got to fight villains or even a solo villain fight and win as far as I remember. He did finally face Shigaraki recently and fucking died for it though lmfao!
Endeavour no matter how hard he tried too, was always in the shadow of All Might and had to BRUTALLY work hard for his wins and success. But All Might is the one the world worships and treasures despite what he does and Endeavour is permanently stained by his abusive past and mistakes and is struggling for redemption and acceptance by the public by comparison.
Kidd is like these characters but much worsely written unfortunately. He will always be in Luffys shadow unfortunately, (like Moria with Kaido ironically since Moria has a shadow fruit ofc lol) and Oda decided to sacrifice him to wank Shanks and setup Shanks as a MAJOR threat for Luffy, even before Luffy faces him and Oda has to worry about trying to make Shanks get serious and take down Luffy somehow.
This way, Luffy can see and find out how savage Shanks can be without seeing/experiencing it first hand and take him seriously too. It might even create a conflict between him and Shanks or worst of all, Luffy might not care, idk lol.
Theres a chance for Kidd to get amazingly growth/development from this, being stuck at Elbaf and forced to better himself, to be humbled, learn and be more rational and smarter, but I doubt it will happen too. If it does though, it will be fantastic depending, especially for his characters and fans of his like us too.
Oda really doesnt like Luffy having anyone threaten his ambitions/goals, no "truly equal rivals" or whatever, he must make Luffy SHINE way above them and this whole Joyboy Nika reveal has cemented that immenselt more than ever before now.
Well kidd did pull gun on shanks and his fleet… shanks just saw the future and stopped it lol
I was thinking more of actual pistols though like the ones the bandits were using vs Shanks and co and the ones the RHP use too ofc lol. Guns can so easily take a life and from a distance and at such speed too. A gunshot to the head is all it can take or the heart ofc or w/e. Thats why Shanks takes them so seriously too and he proved it when Roux shot that bandit dead instantly without hesitation too.
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