Not surprise about Kidd falls, and maybe Law soon. I mean, they needs to team up to defeat Big Mom and now they face Yonko 1 on 1. But kidd get 1 shotted, it's too harsh
This is over the top tho, people like Roger, Oden, Shanks in this chapter only have the hardening effect and lightning when they do an attack or clash with someone but Zoro has all this while posing.
S hawk left Zolo and went to fight someone else. This says a lot. What the fuck is base zolo? Does he have a Zoan? No. Or do you mean Zolo without Oden's haki coming out of Enma = Base zolo?
S hawk left Zolo and went to fight someone else. This says a lot. What the fuck is base zolo? Does he have a Zoan? No. Or do you mean Zolo without Oden's haki coming out of Enma = Base zolo?
Luffy, Zoro and Sanji fans pls love each other
why are you guys fighting?
The future will tell us the truth and only the SHC looks bright in it
So don’t worry guys
and now kiss each other
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