Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Elongate the story? You do realize Luffy could just get them back if he fights BB before he gets to laugh tale right?

it adds drama and a race against time. That is good
Getting them back from Teach if Teach takes Laws when both of them already need to find one more is just dumb though

Might as well just make more tension by creating an actual race to the last poneglyph if you want tension and stakes

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
You mean by Shanks making sure Kidd is fully healed and then blitzing him from long distance head on, neg diffing everyone with one attack?


What is more honorable than giving Marines the chance to give up before being obliterated?
How many times are you going to repeat yourself lol? Go shout into the mirror if you’re trying to convince yourself this badly, I don’t care to read the same bullshit over and over again.

If you shout into the mirror about Shanks’ honor enough, you may actually delude yourself into believing it. Lol
Getting them back from teach when both of them already need to find one more is just dumb though

Luffy loses the ones he has, finds the last one

BB has all other 3. BB has the upper hand and Luffy needs to beat him to get all 4.

you don’t like this because you’re a Luffy stan and can’t have the MC losing anything. BB being ahead of the race is great writing because he’s the fucking villain, he should have the upper hand
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