Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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I think it's safe to say, Shanks got no other choice, but to make the first move, to intercept Blackbeard, he has to, because now that Kaido and big Mom isn't around anymore, supernovas are taking charge, He knew that Blackbeard will come after them ALL, especially Luffy, now that this chapter even further confirms that Shanks is the type that protects friends at ALL COSTS, he couldn't afford to let Blackbeard running around and start butchering all the people he cared about. Shanks is definitely a peaceful type, but he knows whats coming, the strong is starts to slaughtering each other, the situation demanded him to be aggressive. He has no other choice right now.
Snitch was acting out of self preservation.

How’d he manage his territories if he lets Kid destroy his crew?
Fanfiction possibilities
- Dragon stops Kuzan and Kizaru in egghead
- Dragon defeats Kuzan, Mihawk defeats Kizaru
- Cross Guild conquers Germa 66, Mihawk solos the vinsmoke trio bros, Judge is forced to join under their flag
- Mihawk demolishes Urouge killing the Urouge memes

Reality - Mihawk cuts a mountain or few ships, Dragon geta reserved for one and only arc where he gets killed off
Jesus what my boy Uruge done to deserve that
But anyone acting like what Shanks did to Kid this chapter was honorable is retarded lol. Shanks is an objective coward and fights just as dirty as the Marines do. The narration and paneling even makes Shanks look like a villain.
You mean by Shanks making sure Kidd is fully healed and then blitzing him from long distance head on, neg diffing everyone with one attack?


What is more honorable than giving Marines the chance to give up before being obliterated?
I think you have no answer to anything I say because I’m objectively correct, which is typical lmfao. Catch you later.
You're not objectively correct about anything. You just got proven wrong because you're a hypocrite who will call others cowards for doing something that even Admirals like Kizaru do.
At least Shanks could fight Kidd right in front of him. If Kidd can't do anything about that it's his fault not Shanks'.
As always, you can't get enough of trying to involve me in whatever argument you're initiating. The one crying surely isn't me.
:suresure:Okay buddy
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