That´s a moot point. Jozu potentially not showing everything makes it even more obvious Sanji was not on their level, and whatever he did show was already enough.
There is no relationship between the two
You are discussing the terms when my post was obviously focusing on Sanji and not being on the level of these guys.
Y3C just means at the level of a third commander, which either Vista or Jozu were. Now tell me how Sanji can clash with top tiers a few times and not immediately get destroyed by them post-TS?
When the fanbase has no idea what a YC3 can really do, and calls somebody YC3, is that a fair assessment? Obviously not. This is my point. You're referring to times when we didnt truly know, in any way shape or form, the kind of powerscaling YC3s require. All we had to go off was Jack being oneshot by Zunisha with implied > Doffy hype and what we saw of Jozu or Vista in MF, which was negligible.
I am literally fucking agreeing with you with the added caveat of being open minded about the whole thing. It's applicable not only to Sanji powerscaling, but all powerscaling, period. I never said jack shit about Sanji being above YC3, where the fuck did you get that idea from? Yes, people overrated Sanji because YC whatever, but this doesn't mean Sanji is the most overrated character, not by a longshot when we're seeing people - even now, saying Zoro can 1v1 Kaido and shit.
It's almost like you're not even reading my posts dude. Come on, you're better than that. But if you want an example, he did technically clash with Linlin, but hey, this isn't a fucking Sanji thread.
No, that´s not the same. Time is irrelevant when in-between the characters did not change, the illusion that they get stronger island by island without getting challenged whatsoever is ridiculous.
Luffy after Magellan, gained near poison immunity and had a 2 year training span in-between.
The characters constantly change - else you're not reading the same Manga as I am. Heck, Sanji underwent massive change in WCI. The Sanji of today is unrecognisable from the Sanji 5 arcs back. Power creep also hasn't even been mentioned yet.
But yes, exactly, you're starting to get my point. Luffy 5 arcs after fighting Magellan was obviously >>>>>>>>>>>> ID Luffy. Sanji now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PH Sanji. It's fucking obvious. It's literally the most retarded thing to say he isn't - like, to the level where it rivals those anti-Covid 19 protesters.