You're still here? The n°4 got swift diffed by King at least 3 times, he got knocked out by King and Marco's clash while Zoro is fighting circles around King, wank actual fast characters like Zoro instead of wasting your time on sidekicks.
In their clashes... Mr 2 was flexing on mr1. Don't lie.
I can pull the panel.
Was kakus specialty being soru? I don't remember. I do remember tekkai being jabras specialty in cp9. I don't remember seeing any speed differences.
In arlong park kuroobi was the rhm. No definite proof he was faster than hachi. But from fighting sanji we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Considering sanji had superior speed feats compared to zoro at the time.
Wheres this headcanon coming from? I get that king had a speed mode but I don't see how that flips 1000+ chapters of portrayal
To the Seraphim stopping, Lanji will never be relevant enough to catch Zoro's attention.
Zoro flexes, the cook shits his diaper. It will always be like that.
To the Seraphim stopping, Lanji will never be relevant enough to catch Zoro's attention.
Zoro flexes, the cook shits his diaper. It will always be like that.
In their clashes... Mr 2 was flexing on mr1. Don't lie.
I can pull the panel.
Was kakus specialty being soru? I don't remember. I do remember tekkai being jabras specialty in cp9. I don't remember seeing any speed differences.
In arlong park kuroobi was the rhm. No definite proof he was faster than hachi. But from fighting sanji we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Considering sanji had superior speed feats compared to zoro at the time.
Wheres this headcanon coming from? I get that king had a speed mode but I don't see how that flips 1000+ chapters of portrayal
1. He turned his feet into blades to slide thus increasing speed and momentum
2. Cute except kaku literally increased his legs and arms while decreasing his kneck to further increase speed.
3. There is 0 proof that any of the fishmen were faster than the other however zoros speed and strength were diminished due to injury hence why arlong upon seeing zoros wound deduced and stated that zoro may have indeed cut him (beat him) had he not had it.
So basically what you have deduced is that there are indeed opponents of zoros that are faster than sanjis opponents and that if they are not at minimum there is no examples to deduce that there are ANY of sanjis opponents that are faster than zoros opponents
1. He turned his feet into blades to slide thus increasing speed and momentum
2. Cute except kaku literally increased his legs and arms while decreasing his kneck to further increase speed.
3. There is 0 proof that any of the fishmen were faster than the other however zoros speed and strength were diminished due to injury hence why arlong upon seeing zoros wound deduced and stated that zoro may have indeed cut him (beat him) had he not had it.
So basically what you have deduced is that there are indeed opponents of zoros that are faster than sanjis opponents and that if they are not at minimum there is no examples to deduce that there are ANY of sanjis opponents that are faster than zoros opponents
Cute actual speed feats against slower opponents. That's the point. Your argument is the equivalent of saying that Barry Allen is faster than wallly west because Barry Allen blitzed batman while wally west couldn't blitz superman. So because in this scenario wally west doesn't have or have displayed the level of speed feats against a faster opponent (superman) while Barry Allen displayed blitzing speed against a slower opponent (batman) that only Barry Allen has speed feats. It's a dumb argument
Cute actual speed feats against slower opponents. That's the point. Your argument is the equivalent of saying that Barry Allen is faster than wallly west because Barry Allen blitzed batman while wally west couldn't blitz superman. So because in this scenario wally west doesn't have or have displayed the level of speed feats against a faster opponent (superman) while Barry Allen displayed blitzing speed against a slower opponent (batman) that only Barry Allen has speed feats. It's a dumb argument
You have to prove those guys are faster than sanjis opponents😂😂😂 every single time these big raid style arcs happen... sanji and zoros opponents are shown fighting each other. With sanjis opponent usually looking superior in their clash.
You have to prove those guys are faster than sanjis opponents😂😂😂 every single time these big raid style arcs happen... sanji and zoros opponents are shown fighting each other. With sanjis opponent usually looking superior in their clash.
Kaku was the only one of the cp9 members (besides lucci) STATED to increase his speed further by the retraction of his kneck to increase limbs.
Zombie ryuma was resoundingly faster than Absalom added with the fact that he had the abilities and speed of brook an actual speedster who pretimeskip showed better speed feats than sanji.
Kaku was the only one of the cp9 members (besides lucci) STATED to increase his speed further by the retraction of his kneck to increase limbs.
Zombie ryuma was resoundingly faster than Absalom added with the fact that he had the abilities and speed of brook an actual speedster who pretimeskip showed better speed feats than sanji.
Kings fastest attack was "like a laser beam" according to zoro
Queen was spamming laser beams that failed to touch sanji
His other attacks did land tho ;)
Prove queens slower than king by a significant ammount. Prove it.
Kaku discovered his hybrid form brother mane. Such speed😂
I'll give you ryuma. He was definitely faster than absalom but absalom was his superior and had the power of invisibility and superior physical strength.
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