General & Others What moment in One Piece made you feel strongest?

Luffy should have turnrd Liam Neeson at that moment

Crocodile: Do you know who I am?

I do not know who you are.
I do not know what you want.
But I do have a very particular set of skills.
Skills I have acquired over a very long time under my tyrant Grandfather
Thrown as a kid into a jungle with ferocious beasts!
Strapped into balloons and sent me flying!
Thrown down the river!
My skills make me a nightmare to people like you!
I will find you, and I will kill you!
your reply should be a meme honestly lol, imagine Luffy suddenly having a husky voice and mafia expression.

...oh crap i just remember, i was mistaken about my favorite feels scene. apparently it's not Luffy beating Croc. How can i forget.

it's the scene where the Strawhat descend from the White White Sea back to the blue sea, with the Octopus Balloon, and the most beautiful poetry of narration by Oda. i forgot the chapter's number, but my God that scene is the most glorious and most dear for me.


I wish I could remember what I felt the first time watching the past of the Strawhats (excluding Brook's), Zoro's sacrifice and especially Luffy meeting Blackbeard the very first time, cause I believe some of them would've been part of my list.

However, right out the top of my head?

Where to start? It was literally the moment where all the build up and tension of an entire Saga reached it's climax, where one of the most intense and best coregraphed fights of the entire series came to an end and Luffy ultimately set Robin free of the clutches of the World Goverment. The fight felt not like roller coaster with highs and lows, like Luffy vs Katakuri, Crocodile or Doflamingo, no the entire fight was a high, never have I been more emotionally invested in One Piece than at that moment and yes in this case I can say I actually prefer the anime version.


Forget Ace, real man cried there.
Never would I have thought I'd be so emotionally invested in a ship, which was just about to be burned....Also again, speaking of the anime version.


Just to note, I'm a Luffy fanboy....
I couldn't decide between those two, so I choosed both...
Back then I was already reading the manga for a few years, but outside of casually debating with friends here and there not really going into more depth, so you have to understand that back then before all the Crackers Katakuris and Jacks showed up, Doflamingo seemed not only to be way too important to go down that early in the New World, also it was absolutely unimaginable how Luffy was going to beat that monster with the lousy feats he has shown and when Sanji, who back them was viewed as much closer to Luffy than now and Law have been crushed like they were bugs.. .With later being proven right, Mingo was dominating Luffy with ease for the most part and the Birdcage was slowly closing in, so what was Luffy going to do? He came up with G4 out of nowhere and hyped the majority of the fandom, including me through the roof.

Worst part was, between chapter 783 where Luffy was about to use G4 and chapter 784, where he actually demonstrated it, there happend break which lasted two weeks. So you can probably imagine that the hype and expectations have even been even bigger, also just to remind you that back then g2/3 have been revealed almost a decade ago, hence the theories about G4 were all over the place for years ...However once the chapter dropped and G4 send Mingo flying from the top of the palast all the way down into the middle of Dressrosa, I was left speechless. Luffy has literally gone from being knocked around to fodderize Doflamingo, I was so impressed that I believed G4 was capable of beating even an Admiral lmao.
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This right here, is the answer! There're many awesome moments in OP that are badass or makes me feel satisfied at defeating the enemy or despair against the enemy or whatever else. But this whole scene was hard to watch. It made me feel really uncomfortable and anxious at the time it happened back then. It was taxing to keep up with it till the end. And never in this series the crew specifically Luffy/Ussop felt more real than this moment. I tend to not rewatch that situation unlike most others, bacause I can still remember the feels from when I watched it first, like it happened an hour ago. This alone tells me which moment was the strongest.

With the way the manga has been during these years it makes me question if the same mind created that scene and the rest of the series.

Luffy vs Usopp

Luffy slamming his head into the ground crying after losing his crew. I already knew they were alright and I still teared up man lmao

Rogers laugh made me smile way more than I thought it would. Just a general feels of happiness hit me that day.

Crocodile stabbing Luffy. I was legit in shock and super hyped. Luffys first real L and put into perspective how strong/ruthless the coming villains were gonna be all in one move.

I knew it was coming but it was so badass I still got goosebumps lmao. Like I was racking my brain tryna figure out how they escape a Marine Admiral, Hyped to see a new one, hyped to see the Supernova etc. SA Lowkey the best OP Arc lmao

He was just trying so damn hard lmao

Just.. :josad:

Underrated Luffy moment here imo. (Also I thought he had unlocked Haki in this moment lmao) But yeah this is one of my favorite luffy fights. Every attack you land kills you and he just keeps on swinging.

One of the best visuals in Op imo. Hits harder after anaylisizing Odens character a bit more and the realization that Kanjuro's a traitor

And Last but not least

The moment Zoro went from pretty cool to one of the most badass characters in Anime history to me. Yusuke absorbing Puu vibes