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g some american dude talking about life in Paraguay
Dudes migrating to Paraguay totally doesn't sound sus

German anti vaxxer paradise

Leopold of Belgium ruled Congo as his private property for 23 years. He cut off the limbs of Congolese who did not meet their daily quota on the plantation. At the end of his rule, he had killed 15million Congolese people. But we are taught only about Hitler
Yes we should be taught about Bolsonaro too
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Donald Trump was never the disease, he was a symptom of a country ruled by rich war criminals and child rapists.
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Cope Doctor
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Dudes migrating to Paraguay totally doesn't sound sus

German anti vaxxer paradise

Yes we should be taught about Bolsonaro too
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getting all unvaxxed people in one place, what could possibly go wrong
Most women don’t actually, those memes are terrible and cringe.
Women don't even expect guys to be as buff as the average professional runner.
And let’s not even start about how women hate balding dudes even though it’s 100% natural for most men to go bald

These guys in your memes are on steroid though. Lol
I mean, Nature also expects men to have had some kids by the time they bald, and the current escalation of Baldness isn't natural at all, our diet and Lifestyle is making men go bald way too early. It's been documented that a diet change could easily slow it down
I like my head bald, I wouldnt mind balding woul dbe easier to cut
That’s good for you. Especially if you look good bald. But young men still go through rough times because of it.

Thanks to the likes of Dwayne Johnson

Women started to to fetishize baldies
I’m not sure about that « three or four celebs made balding look great ».

I mean, Nature also expects men to have had some kids by the time they bald, and the current escalation of Baldness isn't natural at all, our diet and Lifestyle is making men go bald way too early. It's been documented that a diet change could easily slow it down

What do you mean by nature ? I have friends who lost their scalp at 15. This wasn’t funny at all. Androgenetic alopecia is 100% genetic. The family background confirms it
What do you mean by nature ? I have friends who lost their scalp at 15. This wasn’t funny at all. Androgenetic alopecia is 100% genetic. The family background confirms it
Most of the balding is being excarcevated by environmental and dietary factors just as it does with many other conditions. Though some are undoubtedly hereditary and some men are more sensitive to DHT than others.

What he meant by that is that most men naturally should be starting families and attracting the woman before balding.
Most of the balding is being excarcevated by environmental and dietary factors just as it does with many other conditions. Though some are undoubtedly hereditary and some men are more sensitive to DHT than others.

What he meant by that is that most men naturally should be starting families and attracting the woman before balding.
You guys are wrong about that. Environmental and dietary factors are only a slim percentage among the balding. You don’t seem to understand how normal it is to lose your scalp. It’s not your fault if you’re going bald !

Men being ignorant about men biology … I swear at least women are trying to be aware about their body and all, lol
What do you mean by nature ? I have friends who lost their scalp at 15. This wasn’t funny at all. Androgenetic alopecia is 100% genetic. The family background confirms it
Biologically, we are supposed to have kids pretty young by modern standards and our DNA assumes we already had a lot of kids by the time we start balding, we bald because our bodies assumes we "don't need" our hair to Peacock anymore and wants to focus energy elsewhere.

And modern Diet in general is unhealthy, not just when it comes to hair, Dentists are making bank from how much our teeth can't handle Soda and sweets.

Combine that with a very stressful lifestyle and you have today's Chinese men going from having the Hairline of a 18 years old Caucasians in their 40s to 25% of them balding in their 20s according to a recent study

The good thing is that East Asian billionaires might actually speed up research for a Better solution for baldness because they don't give a shit about "body acceptance" like the west does
You guys are wrong about that. Environmental and dietary factors are only a slim percentage among the balding. You don’t seem to understand how normal it is to lose your scalp. It’s not your fault if you’re going bald !

Men being ignorant about men biology … I swear at least women are trying to be aware about their body and all, lol
Amongst young men you are saying it isn’t due to environmental or dietary factors? How normal is it for the average teen or man in his 20s to just bald? Never said it was their fault, however action can be taken to slow it down back to where it should normally happen.
You guys are wrong about that. Environmental and dietary factors are only a slim percentage among the balding. You don’t seem to understand how normal it is to lose your scalp. It’s not your fault if you’re going bald !

Men being ignorant about men biology … I swear at least women are trying to be aware about their body and all, lol
It's natural to bald
It's not natural to start balding when you are 15

There's a huge difference