I'm so tired with this underestimation of Strowhats. Beast pirates are even more dumbass than Big Mom pairets, at least Big Mom pairets didn't know what Luffy is capable and his strength, but beast are very well aware that Luffy defeated Cracker and Katakuri in one day, that he successfully escaped Big Mom territories etc. In this situation Queen should personally attack Luffy and send someone to report Kaido but instead he's planning his own scheme, fack that shit.
remember Jack heading into Admiral n ex FA to save Doffy? Or Queen attacking BM? This is just the way Beast Pirates are. Also Plot.
This is the deciding moment for Kid and it came sooner then i would've ever imagined.
If Apoo puts up somewhat of a struggle then the Kid hype is well and truly dead. Kid has to one sidely stomp this dude.
Apoo may reveal one trick such as a hypnotizing music or deafening sound to get the advantage on Kid and cause real troubles to Luffy and Zoro.
Only way to hype Kidd good is hype Apoo well before and Oda might do that using Zoro or Luffy, then Kidd can beat Apoo.
Bt honestly i am hoping Kidd gets one of the Flying Fighters, their Hype is good and Kidd low or mid diffing em would set him up for his final Kaidou fight alongside Luffy. Fans underestimate both Kidd n Apoo a lot, so Flying Fighter be better choice.
Also, have some Doubts Apoo gonna go down the first appearance he makes. Tho he is against 4 SNs nw, Luffy, Kidd, Zoro n Killer. So who knows.
Killer also got taken down his firsr appearance, i just hope we get better fight this time. Everyone was disappointed with Killer after that fight.
I also wants Apoo to survive Kidd this time, or show some cool moves just to piss off these fans more. They seem to hate Apoo so much despite him being what people often complain about things missing in Onepiece. That everyone becomes Luffy cheerleader or there are no betrayals, bt when Oda introduce such characters they hate em.
Apoo is doing exactly what BB did on smaller scale. Hoping he also have some big plans.