Who will be the Next Strawhat?

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Hi folks. I just want to pass time with some general stuff here and came upon the old scetch from Oda of the crew and how he had envisioned it back then.

Do you see, what I cans see?

Just in front of Zoro and that strange guy with a bandana there is still space for a last character to be included in the picture. And if we look really closely, we also can see, that Zoro's trousers and the coat of that bandana-guy are srangely painted. While the lines of the coloring of the trousers and the coat are more narrow upwards, it looks more sloppy down at the legs. I just think that the way he painted it does not look, like he did it in one session but rather like he did it afterwards.

That gave me the idea that something could have been painted there, but was erased. Maybe it could have been the last crew member that was crouching there and Oda erased it so not to give us any hints who would join later on (But did a rather sloppy job at re-painting.).

What do you think?