For the first time in OP history, Luffy, Zoro and Kid are actually following Law's plan

How did Law actually achieve this historic feat? By assigning them the role of the idiots that just charge in. Perfect!
Kid was hilarious in the beginning when he's calling out Luffy and Zoro for blowing their cover, only to do the exact same thing later!
I enjoyed how the subtle contrast between Luffy/Zoro and Kid was portrayed, Luffy/Zoro are fighting for Tama and the citizens. On the other hand, Kid couldn't careless about that he's out to get Apoo.
The title immediately unveiled the chapter's narrative focus. Fighting music indeed!
Apoo has got to have one of the most well thought out character profiles in One Piece.
Personality, character design and combat ability have never meshed together so seamlessly.
His ability is a great equalizer, even if you're strong you can get hit. You don't know how he's attacking or where he's attacking from.
His interactions with Queen are awesome. Queen's bubbly personality continues to be a treat and dominates every page he's in.
I personally love characters that just have fun and don't take themselves too seriously. Honestly, it’s probably my favorite trait in OP in general.
I'd love an entire chapter dedicated to a free style rap battle between Queen and Apoo!!
I wonder if Queen found out about Drake's marine affiliation.
Man, this war is going to be 70-80 chapters long given the plot, character, action, drama and lore canvas that’s been set up.
Buckle in my lovelies, we still have another decade of shitposting to do lol