Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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I think the same but we honestly can't rule out the possibility of him becoming the PK given how Oda's been operating these days. He's slowly making the PK title irrelevant by giving the main characters different dreams.
True. Lolda added a lot of shit at the last minute like Xebec and king of the world, Luffy's new dream, etc. At this rate, Buggy has a legit chance to be the PK, Roger must be turning in his grave.
Yikes. Lol

@Seth i think Oda has clowned every fan base at this point, it is what it is. No agenda is really safe. Yonko fans had to put up with Big Job and Crydo, Admiral fans had to watch Oda clown Ryokugyu, and now sword fans have to deal with Mihawk not wanting/being too scared (?) to go for Pirate King.

I used to think Admiral fans were safe from getting the Big Job and Crydo treatment but really no agenda is safe.
Stop projecting. Kaido showed why he is WSM unlike fraudbull and loakiji
Yeah, Whitebeard was beating the shit out of Ace for going after Kaido, these things mean nothing, especially when a gag character like Buggy is involved.
You know the difference right? If Ace was stronger, close to Oden's level. WB would allow Ace to go there. Thats why WB was angry since Ace wasn't top tier yet but wanted to fight top tiers. While in here most people think Mihawk is a top tier like Yonko, so you can't compare this to Ace.

Also fighting Kaido at Wano, and fighting Kaido outside of Wano are 2 different things, thats why WB didn't attack Kaido because Kaido had Wano backing himself up, Shanks wouldn't attack Kaido at Wano as well, he stopped him outside of Wano. Cross Guild can fight Yonko outside of their territories.
Nah I don’t think so
I even think that Shanks and Mihawk will fall after the war
Luffy and Zoro's dream had always a connection but Luffy's is harder to achieve
Luffy's aim is to surpass Shanks and Zoro's aim is to surpass Mihawk
Don’t forget this page

There are way more hints and parallels

I think it will be like this

Luffy will beat Teach and Zoro will beat an Admiral or Shiryu
After that we’ll get a post war arc

Luffy will beat Shanks and will surpass everyone , even Roger
Luffy will give Shanks his strawhat back
Zoro will beat Mihawk and surpass both Shanks and Mihawk but he’ll be still weaker than Luffy (maybe Roger lvl)

or we’ll get a big battle royal

It’s just a theory, don’t come at me guys lmao
Luffy's goal is to become the Pirate King and Zoro's goal is to defeat Mihawk to be the greatest swordsman. Mihawk essentially holds Zoro's One Piece, while Luffy and Shanks are both competing for the actual One Piece.

Shanks is not to Luffy what Mihawk is to Zoro.
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