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1: Hime - Robin
2: Charlie-The Riddler
3: Pot Goblin
4: Lord Melkor - Ra
5: Xlaw
6: Indigo
7: SakaOuziki
8: Psylocke - don't remember
9: MUUGEN (rip)
10: Kiku
11: Alwaysmind-The Ventriloquist
12: Destroya
13: Apollo
14: Kagurashi (meow)
15: T-Pein
16: ~UwU~-Mad Hatter
17: BillSlipton
18: Dr. Watson
19: Pew (me)
20: Ratchet
21: Random Asshole
22: ConquistadoR
23: Rej
24: Reborn

25: Zolo
26: Ekkologix

So we have 26 people, 2 mafia teams, 1 cult and at least 1 indie. 18-3-3-1-1 ? or 16-4-4-1-1

so at worst we have 3 blues, 2 greens, meow and cult
Conq was legit killed by the bat family. With league of shadows on its last legs the final member will join the Batfamily as Robin/Tim Drake as the merged Mafia to give them a chance to still win. Their faction kill got amped to a janitor kill
Idk about culted people, but mafia and cult leader should be among:
- pot,
- xlaw,
- indigo (sub?),
- saka,
- kiku,
- dest,
- apollo,
- bill (sub?),
- watson,
- ratchet,
- ra,
- zolo.

That's ignoring reads and all. So basically 50% chance of hitting scum tbh.
Conq was legit killed by the bat family. With league of shadows on its last legs the final member will join the Batfamily as Robin/Tim Drake as the merged Mafia to give them a chance to still win. Their faction kill got amped to a janitor kill
So Melkor really was wolf (I didn't have my doubts). Guess we got four mafia left in this game and cult. Still quite a bit to get through.
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