Hello everyone, since Cross Guild interactions are the hot topic right now, I decided to create a topic around Cross Guild, specifically around the difference in perspective between Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy in the creation of the Cross Guild organization. So let's start 
Cross Guild's conception and perspective
As Crocodile stated, the entire idea behind Cross Guild came from Mihawk and him
But what should be interesting behind that conception would be their specific goals in forming the organization. Crocodile as starters needed funds(wealth) to start the company, reason why he went for Buggy who had his money since the events of Impel Down
With his goal being continuing his Utopia plan of building an unparalleled nation(in terms of military might) superior to that of the world government
However he also needed power, reason why he contacted Mihawk, who was known as Naval Hunter in the past
And from Mihawk's perspective, it was a way for him not to be continuously bothered by the World Government, who would just keep annoying him, when he wants a quiet life
With their align of interest ending up as an opportunity where the combo of Crocodile's wealth and Mihawk's power could be used as an opportunity to make the marines sit up and take notice.
And as a way to pay his debt, Buggy proposed to help Crocodile in the creation of his company by playing the errand boy, using his men to work for him, but with that plan backfiring due to Buggy's followers worshipping him
But with Mihawk and Crocodile thinking at the time that it might not be that huge of an issue for him to take the spotlight, especially since from Mihawk's perspective it's not an issue to him only wanting a quiet life, and Crocodile being used to working in the shadows anyway like with Baroque works where even members of his own organization didn't know zero was him for a long time
With Crocodile pointing out once again that they left him that title because it benefits them
So with ultimately Mihawk and Crocodile accepting Buggy as the figurehead while the actual leaders were them, but in the shadows
However Mihawk/Crocodile's perception of creating a military might that would not be threatened by anyone, especially the World Government, favorizing Crocodile's idea around Utopia and Mihawk's ideal of looking for a quiet life, is different from Buggy's own perception as a pirate aiming at aiming for the One Piece, which is what is ultimately making their overall plan backfire
Because of one Buggy's most underestimated talent is his talent in leadership, which was already shown in Impel Down where his worshippers were about to fight Luffy, Jinbei, Crocodile and co if not for Buggy
And thus with Buggy calling out his men to look for the One Piece, it indirectly take a hit in Crocodile's/Mihawk's Utopia perspective since losing Buggy's men means terribly losing in influence not only in the Cross Guild crew, but in the entire world since they are indirectly responsible in increasing their infamy and thus explaining why they'd be angry
And I think that due to this, they'd be forced to go along with Buggy's plan since as Buggy stated himself the wealth and power they are trying to gain could be accomplish in one-go anyway if they aim for the One Piece
It'd be a way for Crocodile/Mihawk to use Buggy's aim for the One Piece as a way for themselves to accomplish their goal(Utopia) while indirectly carrying him to the top by fighting his enemies for him
Now that's it for me. Hope you enjoyed reading

Cross Guild's conception and perspective
As Crocodile stated, the entire idea behind Cross Guild came from Mihawk and him

But what should be interesting behind that conception would be their specific goals in forming the organization. Crocodile as starters needed funds(wealth) to start the company, reason why he went for Buggy who had his money since the events of Impel Down

With his goal being continuing his Utopia plan of building an unparalleled nation(in terms of military might) superior to that of the world government

However he also needed power, reason why he contacted Mihawk, who was known as Naval Hunter in the past

And from Mihawk's perspective, it was a way for him not to be continuously bothered by the World Government, who would just keep annoying him, when he wants a quiet life

With their align of interest ending up as an opportunity where the combo of Crocodile's wealth and Mihawk's power could be used as an opportunity to make the marines sit up and take notice.

And as a way to pay his debt, Buggy proposed to help Crocodile in the creation of his company by playing the errand boy, using his men to work for him, but with that plan backfiring due to Buggy's followers worshipping him

But with Mihawk and Crocodile thinking at the time that it might not be that huge of an issue for him to take the spotlight, especially since from Mihawk's perspective it's not an issue to him only wanting a quiet life, and Crocodile being used to working in the shadows anyway like with Baroque works where even members of his own organization didn't know zero was him for a long time

With Crocodile pointing out once again that they left him that title because it benefits them

So with ultimately Mihawk and Crocodile accepting Buggy as the figurehead while the actual leaders were them, but in the shadows

However Mihawk/Crocodile's perception of creating a military might that would not be threatened by anyone, especially the World Government, favorizing Crocodile's idea around Utopia and Mihawk's ideal of looking for a quiet life, is different from Buggy's own perception as a pirate aiming at aiming for the One Piece, which is what is ultimately making their overall plan backfire

Because of one Buggy's most underestimated talent is his talent in leadership, which was already shown in Impel Down where his worshippers were about to fight Luffy, Jinbei, Crocodile and co if not for Buggy

And thus with Buggy calling out his men to look for the One Piece, it indirectly take a hit in Crocodile's/Mihawk's Utopia perspective since losing Buggy's men means terribly losing in influence not only in the Cross Guild crew, but in the entire world since they are indirectly responsible in increasing their infamy and thus explaining why they'd be angry

And I think that due to this, they'd be forced to go along with Buggy's plan since as Buggy stated himself the wealth and power they are trying to gain could be accomplish in one-go anyway if they aim for the One Piece

It'd be a way for Crocodile/Mihawk to use Buggy's aim for the One Piece as a way for themselves to accomplish their goal(Utopia) while indirectly carrying him to the top by fighting his enemies for him

Now that's it for me. Hope you enjoyed reading