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Ra Al Ghul role

Ra Al Ghul

(Master Swordsman) Target any player and role block them for the cycle. Works three times

(Decoy) Janitor a lynch by making the player appear as Ra or Talia Al Ghul

(Microwave Emitter) Negate all investigation abilities for the cycle. Works once

(Vast Resources) You have 2x vote power.

(Hidden in Plain Sight) Target any player and hide behind them for the cycle. All actions that target you will target them instead. Works once
Talia Al Ghul Role


(Miranda Tate) You will appear as a Gotham Villain under investigations

(The Philanthropist) Heal yourself or any of the League of Shadows from any status ailments. Works once

(Backstab) The first player that targets a League of Shadow player is Paralyzed for the cycle. Works once

(Bomb Detonation) Pick any number and player who lands on it is hit with a kill shot. Works once

(Deceiver) Target any player and find out their role. Works three times
Joker Arthur Role

Arthur(Joker) -Arkham Inmate

(Comedy is subjective Murray) Target any player and heal them from any status ailments. Works three times

(Imaginary Girlfriend) Revive a player as a tree stump, gain their vote power. They cannot die until you are killed or lynched. Works once

(You Get what you fucken deserve) Target any player with a super kill. Works once

(Stairway Dance) Redirect back any action that targets you in the cycle. Works once

(You were the only one nice to me) Target any player and refill their one shot. Works once
Robin Jason Todd role


(Crowbar) Target any player and vote block them for the dayphase. Works four times

(Grenades) Target 2 players and burn them from activating any one shots. Works once

(Gas Pellet) Target any player and confuse them for the cycle, amp their ability. Works once

(Stealth) Appear as a Arkham Inmates for 3 phases. Works once

(Second Boy Wonder) If Batman or Nightwing is killed or lynched. Gain a one shot investigation ability. Works once
Night 3 ends

Photographic memory was activated to copy night goggles to see 3 incoming actions

Umbrella rifle was activated on ??? but it only took away one of their lives leaving them with 4 lives remaining

Cat whip was activated

Cat claws was activated

Hypnosis was activated on ???

Alice in Wonderland was activated to protect Harley Quinn till the upcoming night phase

Sneaky rat was activated redirecting cat claws on to them

Napalm was activated destroying 2 abilities a super kill and a tracking ability

Joker Cult used a janitor kill to kill Zolo/???

Batfamily tried to faction kill ??? but it was stopped by fate on the flip of a coin

Dayphase begins
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