Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1084 Spoilers Discussion

What's Yamato's gender

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Its not about powerscaling but the chapter is not progressing the story fast enough.
He could fit the whole chapter in a few pages and give us more info not just a name and panel wasting with Sai and Morley.
I feel like all the info in this chapter could've been included on chapter 1083 without problems

So yeah it feels like dragging, unless there is more to it than it seems for now, but i doubt
Definitely not imo. Oda blatantly avoided Big Mom fighting Luffy properly too, despite all those YEARS of setup, sigh. Over a fucking decade even maybe. Avoided Zoro fighting her directly as he would have cut her at some point too. Law and Kidd conveniently have fighting styles that don't involve cutting, well Law cuts you but doesn't actually harm you with his cuts, kinda Buggy using his DF on someone else to split them (if he were awakened) and Kidd just uses smashing attacks and isn't a swordsman ofc.

I heard rumours of Oda disliking seeing women get hurt/beaten up, at least beautiful women but I'm sure its just hear's say/speculation as I can't find proof of it anywhere.
I tried to find evidence proving or disproving it on here too but got nothing :

I mean Oda has moments of Nami brutally stabbing herself repeatedly, being tortured and such, Vivi getting punched, Boa getting beaten by BB offscreen and so on but hes still holding back on the potential savagery. The worst example I can think of is Kiku who identifies as a woman but is still male ofc, losing her arm and getting constantly fucked over in the story by Oda.

Also bonus fun fact I just found about Boa btw:

I should have figured Boa could be based on a certain Yokai too and not just Medusa.
I hope Boa gets her man (boy?) In the end
this chapter is alright, the problem is that the last 2 chapters were worthless so getting this chapter feels shit

Buggy going after one piece? Why it took whole chapter to say that?
Meanwhile last chapter was just literally the shit we already knew happened
I meant Harry potter books. Tho you are free to tell me of other books as well, I love fantasy novels. Right now I'm reading The Wheel Of Time but if you know any good series I'll give it try after I finish wheel of time.
I am also a fan of Star Wars (not of the Disney trilogy though) and I loved Darth Plagueis novel, Thrawn trilogy and Darth Bane trilogy. Though if you're not into Star Wars or sci-fi in general, it may not be your kind of coffee.
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