Controversial Can character's personalities reflect in it's fanbase

Man, if Kaido's flashback was a bit longer and Oda explored more about Kaido's motivation, Kaido would have been top 3 antagonist for me.

Wasted potential.
My top favs have always been villains, great villains define a series for me. Reason why my top 4 are Doflamingo, Enel, Lucci and Crocodile.

Back when Wano started, I was fully expecting Kaido to surpaass them all as a villain. I was expecting one of the greatest villains of anime/manga.
Instead, we got what we got :josad:
No character defining moment, 5 panels of backstory and no deeper goal which were hinted/teased often, sprinkled here and there. Maybe it will come later, but then it will be simply too damn late and we would've moved on.
Only positive about him was that he lived upto his hype as the WSC