
waiting for Marvel Rivals
Am I though? Extremism is bad in all forms, whether someone is a tankie or a nazi it doesn't matter, because that sort of viewpoint is inherently toxic.
1 takes away freedoms from a certain group of people, 1 wants respect for all and equality

poland literally had/has lgbt-free zones, how do you see both extremes as comparable


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
It's amazing how the word tolerance is only used from the perspective of the person wanting it and not the person giving it.

For example the LGBT community wants tolerance from those not apart of the community yet wants to offend in certain ways the exact same community because there are those that do not tolerate them.

The interesting about life is that you also must tolerate those who disagree with your standpoint and view since we both have a functioning brain and can make decisions that may agree or disagree with one's views
This is also true, and that comes back to that point I made about polarization. There's this inherent culture war nowadays that is occurring regardless of which "side" you stand on, and personally I just find it tiring overall. People can't seem to get along and I just wish they'd shut up and go about their day without preaching something or forcing some ideology down our throats
Is it 4th of July or April?

I don't know the date of their national days.

Literally entire america goes into colors of their flag.

No you don't get it, America is allowed to be Nationalists because they are the "exceptional leader of the free world", a Religious conservative Slavic country doing the exact same thing? Must be Nazis, only Americans are allowed to do that