Controversial Ancient Weapons doesn't make sense



Tell me if I got this right.

All 3 Ancient Weapons are from Void Century build by Ancient Kingdom in order to fight back those 20 nations that build what we know of WG today.

The prove of it is one weapon being at Wano an ally country of Ancient Kingdom and the other being at Fishmen Island another ally country.

Somehow it seems Imu posses Uranus.

So how those Ancient Weapons can be any relevant if they already lost in past and now WG posses one of them?

And how blueprints of Pluton would be any relevant too?


I don't think Imu has Uranus, but maybe some sort of inferior knockoff.
So they build Uranus-2 with blueprints of original Uranus?
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We should wait for a proper explanation before deciding what makes sense and what doesn't. Forget the ancient weapons, we still don't know how the ancient kingdom lost with a technology that overshadows anything there is in the current setting.
It is very clear that Ancient Kingdom as a whole doesn't make sense. So advanced yet they lost to what should be primates to them.
They don't make sense because we are lacking in evidence about the Void Century. Oda is still teasing us with out providing answers. Until then the ancient weapons like the void century are in limbo. For now on the evidence we have a lot isn't making sense, hopefully some answers some time in the next five years will clear that up. It is extremely frustrating though.

It does wonderfully mirror real world history though where our ideas about what happened can be quickly changed when new evidence comes to light. I wonder if that is deliberate on Oda's part? And whether the world government or the ancient kingdom will come out of this looking like the good guys or the bad guys?
Tell me if I got this right.

All 3 Ancient Weapons are from Void Century build by Ancient Kingdom in order to fight back those 20 nations that build what we know of WG today.

The prove of it is one weapon being at Wano an ally country of Ancient Kingdom and the other being at Fishmen Island another ally country.

Somehow it seems Imu posses Uranus.

So how those Ancient Weapons can be any relevant if they already lost in past and now WG posses one of them?

And how blueprints of Pluton would be any relevant too?
my answer to your last question, Blackbeard will attack Wano & take Pluton, and to stop him, SH will have to build another strong battleship, they will use Pluton's blueprints to do so.


Kitetsu Wanker
Ancient Weapons are just plot devices with the purpose of being tension elements, ticking time-bombs of WG arc.
100 of Lulusias can be destroyed,

They will threaten the good guys if Imu really has one but it will never achieve anything since good guys got plot armor.
Maybe it can be used to hype Zoro up since we gotta up facing Hakai and the only thing that comes to mind is Ancient Weapons.

Their major purpose is probably destruction of Red Line and Fishman Island at the same go as the prophecy foretold.
Poseidon will probably play the greatest role because it isnt a machine like the other two.

And how blueprints of Pluton would be any relevant too?
Franky will most likely incorporate some of the tech into the Sunny itself because I doubt SHs will ever use Pluton itself.


Franky will most likely incorporate some of the tech into the Sunny itself because I doubt SHs will ever use Pluton itself.
I always thought he already made Sunny based on those blueprints.
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my answer to your last question, Blackbeard will attack Wano & take Pluton, and to stop him, SH will have to build another strong battleship, they will use Pluton's blueprints to do so.
I always thought Franky already made Sunny based on blueprints.

But as I said Ancient Weapons weren't enough back then. Why would they make any difference now? And even a copy probably weaker made out of thouse blueprints?
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It’s not. It’s clear that imu and the WG have immense power that was probably used against the ancient kingdom.
Yes. They already overcame Ancient Kingdom. So why all that fear about their technology? Why not incorporated that technology to them? They won the war they can have everything from the defeated. And since they already overcame why Ancient Weapons would be any relevant now?

People are cheering the defeated side like they were the strongest but if that was anywhere true they wouldn't have lost.


No its not lol. We dont know why or how they lost. Stop
Doesn't matter. If they lost while Ancient Kingdom had the Ancient Weapons then they are irrelevant to win in a future fight. Specially with WG possibly possessing one of them now.

And why WG didn't took Ancient Kingdom technology for them if it was so much better?


Pluton was built on Water 7.

Poseidon is a living creature, that had a connection with Joyboy.

We know nothing of Uranus.

Not sure where you get the idea that the Ancient Kingdom built the Ancient Weapons.
Ancient Kingdom. Ancient Weapon.
Pluton was left at Wano an ally country of Ancient Kingdom.
Poseidon is always a mermaid. Fishmen/Mermaids also ally of Ancient Kingdom.
Yes they are totally not correlated.

I'm just betting Uranus is what destroyed Lulusia.
Ancient Kingdom. Ancient Weapon.
Pluton was left at Wano an ally country of Ancient Kingdom.
Poseidon is always a mermaid. Fishmen/Mermaids also ally of Ancient Kingdom.
Yes they are totally not correlated.

I'm just betting Uranus is what destroyed Lulusia.
Well, yeah.... They are "Ancient" because they took place over 900 years ago. They weren't called the "Ancient Kingdom" and "Ancient weapons" during their time period, lol.

And no, nothing says the Ancient Kingdom and Wano/Fishman Island were allies. Right now that's just the assumption, but for all we know, the Ancient Kingdom could have been the bad ones. There is a reason why other Kingdoms banded together and rose up against them.


Well, yeah.... They are "Ancient" because they took place over 900 years ago. They weren't called the "Ancient Kingdom" and "Ancient weapons" during their time period, lol.

And no, nothing says the Ancient Kingdom and Wano/Fishman Island were allies. Right now that's just the assumption, but for all we know, the Ancient Kingdom could have been the bad ones. There is a reason why other Kingdoms banded together and rose up against them.
Everything says that.

Ancient Kingdom. JoyBoy. Nika. Zunesha. Minks. Wano. Fishmen. D family. Everyone was against WG and now are minorities, excluded etc.