Tell me if I got this right.
All 3 Ancient Weapons are from Void Century build by Ancient Kingdom in order to fight back those 20 nations that build what we know of WG today.
The prove of it is one weapon being at Wano an ally country of Ancient Kingdom and the other being at Fishmen Island another ally country.
Somehow it seems Imu posses Uranus.
So how those Ancient Weapons can be any relevant if they already lost in past and now WG posses one of them?
And how blueprints of Pluton would be any relevant too?
All 3 Ancient Weapons are from Void Century build by Ancient Kingdom in order to fight back those 20 nations that build what we know of WG today.
The prove of it is one weapon being at Wano an ally country of Ancient Kingdom and the other being at Fishmen Island another ally country.
Somehow it seems Imu posses Uranus.
So how those Ancient Weapons can be any relevant if they already lost in past and now WG posses one of them?
And how blueprints of Pluton would be any relevant too?