Please consider making an exception list of users not wanting to be tagged in Pride Month and similar related threads,and do not except us to take such matters lightly when we are told to enjoin in celebrating some of the most heinous crimes in our religion . WITH ALL DUE RESPECT that is a lack of consideration and flimsy judgement on your end
@TheAncientCenturion which I'll be it can be a considered a mistake but still shallow as hell . I represent my community when I say "To you is your religion and to me is mine " you are free to engage in whatever you want we just don't want any part of it.
This can't be slid under the rug by a mere "OH YOU COULD HAVE JUST IGNORED IT LIKE THE REST 🤓" that just misses the point doesn’t it?
The assumption is that many people are OK with being tagged into such, what they would regard as quite blasphemous , threads which also opens the thread for disapproval and criticism. How do you except those that condemn this ideology in the most emphatic sense to react ?.Not everyone lets it slide and overlooks it, at some point it just seems like you're disregarding and demeaning our values and hoping it'd be sunshine and rainbows (no pun intended) and we'll be ok with it.
I would highlight that this isn't even comparable to Christian celebrations or any other religious ones.
When making such a controversial thread the last thought that should cross anyone's mind is make a universal announcement. That just ruins the whole point of celebrating it no?. This just seems superficial.. Like bro's talking about making a hetro thread too IN A LGBTQ thread.. No chills mate.