Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

Sword & Admiral Quality

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Thank you btw @Cinera for the shout-out.

I was super close to jumping on the Doffy meme train at oj. Even had some troll post typed up but I was buzzed and passed out instead of replying. When I woke up, @comrade was perma’d (though it was framed as temp) with many others following shortly.
Why are you caring about who changes their mind? If the debater is right, the person will not change their mind just to be flexible or whatever.
The only way to really be right most of the time is to also be able to change your mind when faced with the right evidence.
I missed this because I had left by then, but I remember hearing about it on Discord. @Zenos7 in particular irritated me. He had done nothing offensive, had no dupes and was a great poster on top. His crime was being friends with us.
i did make 1 troll thread about doflamingo though. . . .

but i was banned for having made "several dupes" to circumvent the initial 1-day ban. . . I think that was their reason for all 4 of us lol.
The user @Cao Cao is easily on @Sentinel lvl.
I remember a discussion between these both where both quote each other 150 with a wall of text in the past:suresure:
Dude that was crazy, they discussion about one thing for months:suresure:
Overall CaoCao=Sentinel=Me , we are the monster-trio from our german forum and take on manyforums.
I remember this, lol. Sentinel and i have to split the post in 3 or more sections, since the letters are limited by around 60.000 or more lol.
Thanks cap. Is he still around?
Yeah, he has an account, but he is not really active. What was your id btw?

Anyway, I forgot to mention @LolonoisZolo @Geo who were also active Zoro fans those days.
@HA001 was also an old user of OJ, I cant remember when he joined though. He posted less in OJ though if my memory serves right.

I remember also @ShishioIsBack because he used to post Zoro mid-diffs Sanji around 2017/18 (?) and I knew the mods will somehow ban him 😂
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World's Strongest Swordsman
Yeah, he has an account, but he is not really active. What was your id btw?

Anyway, I forgot to mention @LolonoisZolo @Geo who were also active Zoro fans those days.
@HA001 was also an old user of OJ, I cant remember when he joined though. He posted less in OJ though if my memory serves right.

I remember also @ShishioIsBack because he used to post Zoro mid-diffs Sanji and I knew the mods will somehow ban him 😂
I was on oj for years. But i was nice then. Tbf whilst there were obviously arguments i think it became super toxic in wci when sanji wasnt given a proper fight. After all the year of the sanji stuff from oda that didnt sit right and it exploded the fanwar.


The Honoured One
Yeah, he has an account, but he is not really active. What was your id btw?

Anyway, I forgot to mention @LolonoisZolo @Geo who were also active Zoro fans those days.
@HA001 was also an old user of OJ, I cant remember when he joined though. He posted less in OJ though if my memory serves right.

I remember also @ShishioIsBack because he used to post Zoro mid-diffs Sanji and I knew the mods will somehow ban him 😂
Was still Marimo_420. Just chilling back then though, and watching Buggy D Clown clowning them wankas with proper feats and panels. I liked his trolling too. Yeah @HA001 was good. I was lurking on Z v S thread back in the day.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Was still Marimo_420. Just chilling back then though, and watching Buggy D Clown clowning them wankas with proper feats and panels. I liked his trolling too. Yeah @HA001 was good. I was lurking on Z v S thread back in the day.
Pre wci if im not mistaken im sure admirals vs yonkos was the bigger talking point when compared to z vs s.