Man FUCK car insurance! Fuck my state for making it liiegal to drive without it, so now insurance companies hike up their rates since they know we now have no choice. When getting insurance they make it mandatory to get coverage for yourself because...reasons? Why the hell do I need myself covered if I already have medical insurance??? The car itself even covered at all and you have one by one, pick which car assistance you want and each choice greatly hike up your premium. State farm in particular can suck a dick with their constant "do you want home insurance for a $6k premium!?" No btich I don't
Window tax was created as a way to tax people's property easier (and at the time an alternative to income tax). People have always tax evaded, and back then someone had the 'bright' idea that being able to count the windows was a viable way to simplify taxation of a property...
The result was that people just bricked over their windows, lmao.
The school meals that are served are unhealthy but I'd rather people not starve. I'm not a biologist, but my research into why foods are so unhealthy is that it was partially a "solution" to food scarcity in the past. The food needs to be preservable. It needs dense calories (because the concept of storing for when there isn't fresh food). But the thing is... we need to encourage people to eat proper whole foods and not processed...
But unfortunately, lots cannot afford whole foods. :(
The school meals that are served are unhealthy but I'd rather people not starve. I'm not a biologist, but my research into why foods are so unhealthy is that it was partially a "solution" to food scarcity in the past. The food needs to be preservable. It needs dense calories (because the concept of storing for when there isn't fresh food). But the thing is... we need to encourage people to eat proper whole foods and not processed...
Fake food is designed to keep people alive while making them ill and miserable.
So they can at least do some slave work before they die of preventable illnesses.
Fake food is designed to keep people alive while making them ill and miserable.
So they can at least do some slave work before they die of preventable illnesses.
I try to think of the world as something made with good intentions but the imperfection of humanity has caused grave missteps to take place.
For example, utilising corn starch to boost the calories and preservation process of the food. In theory, it works -- the food lasts longer and the higher calories ensure that people have energy.
They do not have good nutrition, however.
I don't think many people want to make the world miserable. Sometimes there just is not enough forethought into the results of one's actions.
Don't get me wrong, there are bad people. There are those who exploit others. But not all that is bad has come from the desire to enslave or exploit.
I chose not to eat at all in school. That's better than outright food poisoning.
Also whole foods shouldn't be a matter of "can / cannot afford".
A state that taxes its citizen is capable of providing adequate nutrition to everyone.
If the state doesn't do that they are criminals, murderers and must be taken down.
I try to think of the world as something made with good intentions but the imperfection of humanity has caused grave missteps to take place.
For example, utilising corn starch to boost the calories and preservation process of the food. In theory, it works -- the food lasts longer and the higher calories ensure that people have energy.
They do not have good nutrition, however.
I don't think many people want to make the world miserable. Sometimes there just is not enough forethought into the results of one's actions.
Don't get me wrong, there are bad people. There are those who exploit others. But not all that is bad has come from the desire to enslave or exploit.
I chose not to eat at all in school. That's better than outright food poisoning.
Also whole foods shouldn't be a matter of "can / cannot afford".
A state that taxes its citizen is capable of providing adequate nutrition to everyone.
If the state doesn't do that they are criminals, murderers and must be taken down.
I never said it was meant to be, simply that it is that way.
In an interconnected world where governments actually provide disincentives for farming, a country cannot really provide whole foods for it's populace.
I know a farmer who was paid to -not- farm. What fuckery is that?
By 'taken down' are you speaking communist revolution or voting out of power?
In an interconnected world where governments actually provide disincentives for farming, a country cannot really provide whole foods for it's populace.
I know a farmer who was paid to -not- farm. What fuckery is that?
Small scale farmers are being targeted in any country at this point.
Check out how big agribusiness is controlling seed distribution by producing hybrid seeds that cannot be replanted or by selling infertile GMO seeds to the farmers to make them dependent.
GMO+pesticides are designed for only this reason, to make food producers dependent and control the food of all humans in the entire world.
The veganism agenda has the same purpose. We're at a point where there's serious debates in whether lab meat can become humankind's main protein source.
This whole shit is so fucked up.
Small scale farmers are being targeted in any country at this point.
Check out how big agribusiness is controlling seed distribution by producing hybrid seeds that cannot be replanted or by selling infertile GMO seeds to the farmers to make them dependent.
GMO+pesticides are designed for only this reason, to make food producers dependent and control the food of all humans in the entire world.
The veganism agenda has the same purpose. We're at a point where there's serious debates in whether lab meat can become humankind's main protein source.
This whole shit is so fucked up.
Ah yes, the Monsanto issue. I read about that like 10 years ago. I should really read up on it again at some point.
Violent revolution has a history of electing new dictators rather than benevolent leaders. They create power vacuums for other monsters, not the same but still malevolent. I'm not saying 'rather the devil I know' but it's one of my issues with the concept of anarchy.
I do think we need political overhaul, but born of a change to how we vote ((different voting systems rather than first past the post)).
Do look into it.
Most people don't know shit about how bad it really is because these criminals have planted their propaganda everywhere and keep spreading lies on how sustainable agriculture supposedly can't feed the growing population.
The pharmaceutical industry is in cahoots with them too because for years they have been telling us that animal products are supposedly unhealthy and cause cardiac disease and high blood pressure and whatnot.
The anti animal product agenda lives on in the veganism movement or rather hijacked it, like big corporate hijacks every and any movement that it can use to generate profits.
Lie to people and make them do things that destroy their health -> sell them medicine with severe side effects that supposedly cures them -> more illness -> sell more drugs, health books, lifestyle coach books etc...
And most people are too blind to see it
Violent revolution has a history of electing new dictators rather than benevolent ones. I'm not saying 'rather the devil I know' but it's one of my issues with the concept of anarchy.
Do look into it.
Most people don't know shit bout how bad it really is because these criminals have plant their propaganda everywhere and keep spreading lies on how sustainable agriculture supposedly can't feed the growing population.
The pharmaceutical industry is in cahoots with them too because for years they have been telling us that animal products are supposedly unhealthy and cause cardiac disease and high blood pressure and whatnot.
The anti animal product agenda lives on in the veganism movement or rather hijacked it, like big corporate hijacks every and any movement that it can use to generate profits.
Lie to people and make them do things that destroy their health -> sell them medicine with severe side effects that supposedly cures them -> more illness -> sell more drugs, , health books, lifestyle coach books
I mean, on top of the digestive issue regarding b12, it is partially this concern that did make me stop being vegan. Ultimately I've been so much healthier since I quit veganism (I also lost a shit-tonne of weight, go figures). The stuff in vegan meat is... let's just say that we shouldn't be eating that...
And let's not even get into bioengineered plants. I don't particularly have to read to understand. I've always understood the risks and general premise of GMOs, but I am interested in seeing how it has developed in the last decade.
I wouldn't be surprised if the rising mental health epidemic (depression, anxiety, etc) is tied to the unhealthy lifestyle that is encouraged by society and big corporations. People ignore the importance of food on your mental wellbeing.
For context, ever since changing my way of living I have: More energy. Less Depression. Less physical pains. And I get sick less...
But the issue really is that not everybody can afford this. They shouldn't have to, but they do in the current socioeconomic climate. I'm just fortunate to be able to do it.
No. Change is necessary and always has been over the course of human history. Radical revolution does not equate to change, however. I'd rather we not try to tear everything down and rather mould our world in a more constructive and peaceful way?
At times revolution is akin to burning down your shed because the roof is leaky. Surely we can try to get some wood and fix the roof?
Ultimately I've been so much healthier since I quit veganism (I also lost a shit-tonne of weight, go figures). The stuff in vegan meat is... let's just say that we shouldn't be eating that...
Many of those vegan meat replacement products are high in carbohydrates and filled with junk ingredients, no one can tell me this crap is healthier than meat or dairy cheese. It's a total scam.
I wouldn't be surprised if the rising mental health epidemic (depression, anxiety, etc) is tied to the unhealthy lifestyle that is encouraged by society and big corporations. People ignore the importance of food on your mental wellbeing.
Lack of nutrients is detrimental to mental health, there are studies about this and even organic vegetables lack nutrients these days because soil quality turned to shit over the past decades.
Ever wondered why so many young men today have early hair loss? So much impure skin among adults?...
Toxines+lack of vitamins+weird shit such as transfat acids
And then they sell us vitamin supplements to make us feel better about our health.
And let's not even get into bioengineered plants. I don't particularly have to read to understand. I've always understood the risks and general premise of GMOs, but I am interested in seeing how it has developed in the last decade.
But the issue really is that not everybody can afford this. They shouldn't have to, but they do in the current socioeconomic climate. I'm just fortunate to be able to do i
Companies also profit from the "current socioeconomic climate". In my country, food and energy prices could be almost back to pre-war and pre-Covid times but the corporations are scamming the people and keep demanding high prices because they can blame it on "tHe cRisIs".
Meanwhile the vaccine producing companies made fortunes on the backs of a sick and scared populace.
Many of those vegan meat replacement products are high in carbohydrates and filled with junk ingredients, no one can tell me this crap is healthier than meat or dairy cheese. It's a total scam.
Lack of nutrients is detrimental to mental health, there are studies about this and even organic vegetables lack nutrients these days because soil quality turned to shit over the past decades.
Ever wondered why so many young men today have early hair loss? So much impure skin among adults?...
Toxines+lack of vitamins+weird shit such as transfat acids
And then they sell us vitamin supplements to make us feel better about our health.
It's all a big money grabbing scheme.
No -- but burning them down will not help. It's just rage and despair channelled at something. Though I do think I understand the general premise of your apparent frustrations at the current socioeconomic climate. Lobbyists are a cancer.
...This is getting my heckles up in regards to the right to repair and how that is also being stripped from us one step at a time.
However, the point of my argument is... if we burn down the shed are you certain the people who burned it down can build a better one? So many revolutions end with a cobbled government that has no idea what it's doing...
I may be a supporter of small government, and would rather we didn't have what we have now... but I also hold the belief that a violent revolution cannot give me the results I'd want.
However, the point of my argument is... if we burn down the shed are you certain the people who burned it down can build a better one? So many revolutions end with a cobbled government that has no idea what it's doing...
I may be a supporter of small government, and would rather we didn't have what we have now... but I also hold the belief that a violent revolution cannot give me the results I'd want.
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