1x Instinctive Methodical Cop; 1x Messager; Three Cores
Congratulations, you are Panda, Jujutsu Sorcerers Aligned!
1x Instinctive Methodical Cop - During night 1, you compulsorily have to submit a list of all living players in an order of priority of your choosing. At the end of each night (including night 1), you will visit and obtain the alignment of the next living player in that priority list as
innocent or
guilty, skipping over players that are dead before each night starts. This ability counts as a separate visit each night and can be blocked and/or manipulated accordingly on each individual visit.
1x Messager - Once at night, you can send an anonymous message to a player via the host. You may type anything within the rules of the game in this message. Your target will not know who sent them the message nor what alignment it came from, however, they will be informed that they are allowed to send a message back during the following day, if they so wish.
(Passive) Three Cores - You start the game with 3 cores. For as long as you have all 3 cores intact, your
1x Instinctive Methodical Cop ability will bypass investigation misleading passives. For every night where you receive a non-positive action, one of your cores will be damaged. If all 3 of your cores are damaged, your
1x Instinctive Methodical Cop ability will stop functioning the following cycles until you recover. You will recover a damaged core if you are not targeted by a negative action for 2 cycles in a row, and/or if you are targeted by a positive action for 2 cycles in a row. You will not be made aware of this passive's progression unless when all 3 cores are damaged.
(Binding Vow Buff) Revealing One's Hand - If you truthfully reveal your flavor + any part of your role in the Game Thread, even if vaguely or misleadingly, you will be able to, once at night, re-arrange the order of priority of the remaining players left to be copped by your
Instinctive Methodical Cop ability.
Win Con - Eliminate all threats to