[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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Day 3 - Final Vote Count


How far I'll go...

Day 3 - Final Vote Count (As of Post #6723)

Ultra ->
Ratchet > Unvote
Neeko -> Ratchet
Destroya -> Ratchet > Kweh > Ratchet > Kweh
Hime -> Kweh > Ratchet > Kweh
Gram -> Kweh
Conq -> Kweh > Kweh
Ratchet -> Neeko
Cal -> Flower
Flower -> Cal > Kweh
Orwellian -> Kweh
Nika -> Kweh
Joy -> Kweh
Mid -> Kweh
Mitch -> Flower
Kiku -> Kweh

Kweh = 10
(Conq, Orwellian, Nika, Joy, Gram, Mid, Dest, Flower, Kiku, Hime)
Ratchet = 1 (Neeko)
Flower = 1 (Cal, Mitch)
Neeko = 1 (Ratchet)

Non Voters = 5 (Mango, Michelle, Prof, Ultra, Kweh)

Majority is reached.

@KWEH will be lynched.

Day 3 has ended.

Living Players - [19/27]
1. @RippedCal
2. @Ratchet
3. @Ultra
4. @ConquistadoR
5. @Kiku
6. @hime
7. @Joygirl
8. @Midnight Delight
9. @Destroya
10. @MitchMatch
11. @KWEH
12. @Orwellian
13. @Dr_Professor83
14. @MangoSenpai
15. @NikaInParis
16. @Flower
17. @Michelle
18. @Grammaton
19. @Neeko

Dead Players - [8/27]
1. @T-Pein™ (Aoi Todo) - Lynched Day 1
2. @Mr. Reloaded (Choso) - Died Night 1
3. @MonochromeYoru (Noritoshi Kamo) - Died Night 1
4. @Psylocke (Momo Nishimiya) - Left Game Day 2
5. @Underworld Broker (Dagon) - Lost Duel Day 2
6. @Dr. Watson @Reborn (Kiyotaka Ijichi) - Executed Day 2
7. @Naomi (Riko Amanai) - Died Night 2
8. @Alwaysmind (Atsuya Kusakabe) - Died Night 2
Day 3 End - Kweh (Kento Nanami) was lynched!


How far I'll go...
Day 3 End - You've Got It From Here...

Tales of a Jujutsu Sorcerer who took it upon himself to work alone spread long and wild. He faced off an entire army on his own, and on top of that, he was doing it overtime. He could only handle so much before inevitably succumbing to his wounds...


@KWEH (Kento Nanami) was lynched!

Kento Nanami
4x Assassin; 1x Self-Binding Vow: Overtime; 1x 3:7 Critical Hit

Congratulations, you are Kento Nanami, Jujutsu Sorcerers Aligned!

4x Assassin - At the start of each night, you may receive a command from a player whose alignment is unknown to you ordering you to assassinate (regular kill) a player. You will have until the end of the night to either vote for carrying out the given assassination order or vote against it. Failure to make a selection by the end of the night will be considered as an automatic approval vote to carry out the order. You are aware that there exist other assassin(s) in the game who may also vote for or against carrying out the given order, but you do not know their number nor their respective alignments. If you vote to carry out the order, and the order was overall majority voted to be carried out or tied by the assassins (you included), you will visit the assassination target with a regular kill that night. A shot of this ability is consumed every time you vote to carry out an order, regardless if it was ultimately carried out or not. You will not receive an order nor be able to vote for or against carrying one when you are out of shots.

1x Self-Binding Vow: Overtime - If you are alive until night 4 or any later night, and have received an assassination order that night, you may activate this ability to veto the assassination order you received that night and change it to another target of your choice instead, unbeknownst to the person commanding the order nor the other assassin(s), if any.

(Locked) 1x 3:7 Critical Hit - This ability is only unlocked via the Binding Vow Buff. Once at night, you can activate this ability to make your vote for carrying out the assassination order count as 2, and make your assassination kill this night a super-kill.


(Binding Vow Buff) Revealing One's Hand - If you truthfully reveal your flavor + any part of your role in the Game Thread, even if vaguely or misleadingly, you will unlock your 1x 3:7 Critical Hit ability.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to Town


Night 3 Has Started!

You have a maximum of 24 hours to submit your night actions.
Night ends sooner if everyone locks in their actions.

Starting next day, I may be looking at shortening day length to 36 or 24 hours as fewer players remain alive.

Night 3 Actions Lock in - Countdown

Living Players - [18/27]
1. @RippedCal
2. @Ratchet
3. @Ultra
4. @ConquistadoR
5. @Kiku
6. @hime
7. @Joygirl
8. @Midnight Delight
9. @Destroya
10. @MitchMatch
11. @Orwellian
12. @Dr_Professor83
13. @MangoSenpai
14. @NikaInParis
15. @Flower
16. @Michelle
17. @Grammaton
18. @Neeko

Dead Players - [9/27]
1. @T-Pein™ (Aoi Todo) - Lynched Day 1
2. @Mr. Reloaded (Choso) - Died Night 1
3. @MonochromeYoru (Noritoshi Kamo) - Died Night 1
4. @Psylocke (Momo Nishimiya) - Left Game Day 2
5. @Underworld Broker (Dagon) - Lost Duel Day 2
6. @Dr. Watson @Reborn (Kiyotaka Ijichi) - Executed Day 2
7. @Naomi (Riko Amanai) - Died Night 2
8. @Alwaysmind (Atsuya Kusakabe) - Died Night 2
9. @KWEH (Kento Nanami) - Lynched Day 3
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Night 3 - Leader Protections


How far I'll go...
Night 3 - Leader Protections

The Town Leader has protected @Dr_Professor83 , @Ultra , and @Destroya from the first unique regular kill targeting each of them this night!

The Scum Leader has protected @Midnight Delight , @RippedCal , and @Ratchet from the first unique regular kill targeting each of them this night!

The Leader Protection on @Ultra and @Destroya is destroyed and nullified!

Night Continues.

Living Players - [18/27]
1. @RippedCal
2. @Ratchet
3. @Ultra
4. @ConquistadoR
5. @Kiku
6. @hime
7. @Joygirl
8. @Midnight Delight
9. @Destroya
10. @MitchMatch
11. @Orwellian
12. @Dr_Professor83
13. @MangoSenpai
14. @NikaInParis
15. @Flower
16. @Michelle
17. @Grammaton
18. @Neeko

Dead Players - [9/27]
1. @T-Pein™ (Aoi Todo) - Lynched Day 1
2. @Mr. Reloaded (Choso) - Died Night 1
3. @MonochromeYoru (Noritoshi Kamo) - Died Night 1
4. @Psylocke (Momo Nishimiya) - Left Game Day 2
5. @Underworld Broker (Dagon) - Lost Duel Day 2
6. @Dr. Watson @Reborn (Kiyotaka Ijichi) - Executed Day 2
7. @Naomi (Riko Amanai) - Died Night 2
8. @Alwaysmind (Atsuya Kusakabe) - Died Night 2
9. @KWEH (Kento Nanami) - Lynched Day 3
Night 3 End / Day 4 Start - Neeko (Utahime Iori), Ultra (Naobito Zen'in), Conq (Mei Mei), Dest (Panda) have died last night!


How far I'll go...
Night 3 End - The Disaster

Following the fall of Nanami, Jujutsu Sorcercers started panicking and launching random attacks on the Cursed Spirits. This backfired massively as their weakened defense lines allowed the curses to launch a counter attack, killing 4 other sorcerers...


@Neeko (Utahime Iori), @Ultra (Naobito Zen'in), @ConquistadoR (Mei Mei), and @Destroya (Panda) have died last night!

Utahime Iori
Supervisor; 1x Empower

Congratulations, you are Utahime Iori, Jujutsu Sorcerers Aligned!

(Passive) Supervisor - You will automatically obtain the "Last Will" of every dead player in the game right at the start of the following phase to their death. You will not obtain wills from janitored players, if any.

1x Empower - Once at night, you can target a player and grant their actions the top processing priority order for the duration of the following cycle. The target will not be made aware of this buff on them.


(Binding Vow Buff) Revealing One's Hand - If you truthfully reveal your flavor + any part of your role in the Game Thread, even if vaguely or misleadingly, you will be able to, once at night, target a dead, non-janitored player and converse with them during the following day in a private chat titled: "Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia Role - Medium Chat".

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to Town
Naobito Zen'in
3x Assassin; Odd-Night Projection Sorcery

Congratulations, you are Naobito Zen'in, Jujutsu Sorcerers Aligned!

3x Assassin - At the start of each night, you may receive a command from a player whose alignment is unknown to you ordering you to assassinate (regular kill) a player. You will have until the end of the night to either vote for carrying out the given assassination order or vote against it. Failure to make a selection by the end of the night will be considered as an automatic approval vote to carry out the order. You are aware that there exist other assassin(s) in the game who may also vote for or against carrying out the given order, but you do not know their number nor their respective alignments. If you vote to carry out the order, and the order was overall majority voted to be carried out or tied by the assassins (you included), you will visit the assassination target with a regular kill that night. A shot of this ability is consumed every time you vote to carry out an order, regardless if it was ultimately carried out or not. You will not receive an order nor be able to vote for or against carrying one when you are out of shots.

Odd-Night Projection Sorcery - Once per odd night, you can target a player and call the name of another player. At the start of the following cycle, your target will be informed that for the rest of the cycle they have to either completely abstain or visit only the name that you called with their regular targeted abilities. Should your target elect to neither abstain nor target the name that you called, they will be instantly roleblocked that cycle, unbeknownst to them. Does not bypass super-kills or immunity to redirections/roleblocks.


(Binding Vow Buff) Revealing One's Hand - If you truthfully reveal your flavor + any part of your role in the Game Thread, even if vaguely or misleadingly, your Odd-Night Projection Sorcery ability will no longer provide the option to completely abstain, forcing your target to compulsively perform at least one action on the name that you called, if they are able to. Should your target not submit an action on the name that you called, despite being able to do so, their first usable targeted ability will be forcefully used on the name that you called, and the rest of their role, if any, will be instantly roleblocked for the rest of the cycle.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to Town
1x Instinctive Methodical Cop; 1x Messager; Three Cores

Congratulations, you are Panda, Jujutsu Sorcerers Aligned!

1x Instinctive Methodical Cop - During night 1, you compulsorily have to submit a list of all living players in an order of priority of your choosing. At the end of each night (including night 1), you will visit and obtain the alignment of the next living player in that priority list as innocent or guilty, skipping over players that are dead before each night starts. This ability counts as a separate visit each night and can be blocked and/or manipulated accordingly on each individual visit.

1x Messager - Once at night, you can send an anonymous message to a player via the host. You may type anything within the rules of the game in this message. Your target will not know who sent them the message nor what alignment it came from, however, they will be informed that they are allowed to send a message back during the following day, if they so wish.

(Passive) Three Cores - You start the game with 3 cores. For as long as you have all 3 cores intact, your 1x Instinctive Methodical Cop ability will bypass investigation misleading passives. For every night where you receive a non-positive action, one of your cores will be damaged. If all 3 of your cores are damaged, your 1x Instinctive Methodical Cop ability will stop functioning the following cycles until you recover. You will recover a damaged core if you are not targeted by a negative action for 2 cycles in a row, and/or if you are targeted by a positive action for 2 cycles in a row. You will not be made aware of this passive's progression unless when all 3 cores are damaged.


(Binding Vow Buff) Revealing One's Hand - If you truthfully reveal your flavor + any part of your role in the Game Thread, even if vaguely or misleadingly, you will be able to, once at night, re-arrange the order of priority of the remaining players left to be copped by your Instinctive Methodical Cop ability.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to Town
Mei Mei
2x Assassin; Jack of Black Bird Manipulation Trades

Congratulations, you are Mei Mei, Jujutsu Sorcerers Aligned!

2x Assassin - At the start of each night, you may receive a command from a player whose alignment is unknown to you ordering you to assassinate (regular kill) a player. You will have until the end of the night to either vote for carrying out the given assassination order or vote against it. Failure to make a selection by the end of the night will be considered as an automatic approval vote to carry out the order. You are aware that there exist other assassin(s) in the game who may also vote for or against carrying out the given order, but you do not know their number nor their respective alignments. If you vote to carry out the order, and the order was overall majority voted to be carried out or tied by the assassins (you included), you will visit the assassination target with a regular kill that night. A shot of this ability is consumed every time you vote to carry out an order, regardless if it was ultimately carried out or not. You will not receive an order nor be able to vote for or against carrying one when you are out of shots.

Jack of Black Bird Manipulation Trades - Once per night, you can send your crows to perform one of the following abilities:
- 1x Voyeur - Target a player and learn what type of actions were used on them that night, if any.
- 1x Follow - Target a player and learn what type of actions they used that night, if any.
(Locked) 1x Spy - This ability is only unlocked via the Binding Vow Buff. Once at night, you can send your crows to fully spy on a player, obtaining a copy of all feedbacks that they receive in their role PM at the end of that night, if any.


(Binding Vow Buff) Revealing One's Hand - If you truthfully reveal your flavor + any part of your role in the Game Thread, even if vaguely or misleadingly, you will unlock your 1x Spy ability.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to Town


Day 4 has started!

You have a little more than 44 hours to discuss lynch.
With 14 alive, it takes 8 votes to lynch.

Day 4 ends in - Countdown

Living Players - [14/27]
1. @RippedCal
2. @Ratchet
3. @Kiku
4. @hime
5. @Joygirl
6. @Midnight Delight
7. @MitchMatch
8. @Orwellian
9. @Dr_Professor83
10. @MangoSenpai
11. @NikaInParis
12. @Flower
13. @Michelle
14. @Grammaton

Dead Players - [13/27]
1. @T-Pein™ (Aoi Todo) - Lynched Day 1
2. @Mr. Reloaded (Choso) - Died Night 1
3. @MonochromeYoru (Noritoshi Kamo) - Died Night 1
4. @Psylocke (Momo Nishimiya) - Left Game Day 2
5. @Underworld Broker (Dagon) - Lost Duel Day 2
6. @Dr. Watson @Reborn (Kiyotaka Ijichi) - Executed Day 2
7. @Naomi (Riko Amanai) - Died Night 2
8. @Alwaysmind (Atsuya Kusakabe) - Died Night 2
9. @KWEH (Kento Nanami) - Lynched Day 3
10. @Neeko (Utahime Iori) - Died Night 3
11. @Ultra (Naobito Zen'in) - Died Night 3
12. @ConquistadoR (Mei Mei) - Died Night 3
13. @Destroya (Panda) - Died Night 3


Wanna hear even more terrible news to lighten up the mood even further? Your queen has been attacked by a delayed kill and is going to die next night.

This shit is not winnable for town.
Wanna hear even more terrible news to lighten up the mood even further? Your queen has been attacked by a delayed kill and is going to die next night.

This shit is not winnable for town.
It was. We played badly. It’s probably not anymore (realistically).

May as well make it as close as we can from here lol
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