Will Shiryu sneak kill Mihawk ?

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BB+crew defeats 3B bounty Law
Rest of BB crew defeats 3B bounty Garp
Shanks defeats 3B bounty Kidd

Basing on this, Kizaru and Luffy both have 3B bounty. Which 3B bounty will fall?
Yes this confirm luffy and kizaru have the exact same bounty this is hilarious .
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Why is Garp's bounty closer to Kid than it is to Mihawk?

Marine bros what happened with Roger = Garp? :mihugh:
he is old so they gave him a old man bounty .
The difference here is, we get a pretty good grasp of what Zoro's opponent can do way before their fight. This is like the first time this ever happened.
How did we get a grasp of King or mr. 1 or Kaku.
1.Kaku snuck Zoro and didn't have his fruit in their first meeting. I mean i guess you can say he snuck sanji too.
2.Mr. 1 got kicked through a building.
3.King 2 v 1 marco and Sword shot out his hand.
This is literally the norm for Zoro opponents.

When Zoro vs Shiryu starts thats when Oda is going pull out his usual crazy hype
For example
1.Kaku revealed his fruit, he adapted to his fruit quickly showing his potential, best Swordsman in cp9, best Kicks, pressuring Zoro with 4 swird style.
2. MR. 1 **** didn't do shit but got kicked out od a building. Then oda left it a mystery why the building cut open which got reveaked in Zoro fight.
3. King i would say got mlre because this was a war arc, but Oda literally held this guys hybrid, how his fire durability works(higherthan Kaido), exploding himself. Etc...

I guarantee soon has Zoro vs Shiryu start Oda going be like Omg he is from some ancient Wano clan or some BS that love blood and their endurance is insane and swordmanship. Awakening etc....
It takes hours or days to take down another top tier. Garp needs to go down fast, this was never going to be a battle without interferences, especially not with the BB Pirates, and especially not in their home turf. Nor should it be.
An ex admiral can't take down old retired marine without help from his colleagues

You mean like the entirety of Naruto's final war save for Neji dying?
You comparing Naruto final war with this trash filler manga is telling. No matter how trash final war was in Naruto at least shit happened. Guy vs Kisame, Kisame dead. Sasuke resolution with Itachi. Obito dead. Shikamru/Ino dad, dead. Naruto mother reveal. 9 tailed getting talk no jutsued is better than any of these lame skirmishes Oda keeps doing nonstop. Filler after filler, skirmishes that leads nowhere.

BB went to Amazon Lily so he can kidnap Hancock so instead he kidnaps Koby, then ends up having a skirmish with Law and now Garp rescued Koby, like what kind of ADHD kinda story line is this? Makes zero sense. Random story lines.
Zoro needs to git gud then, invisibility is a part of Shiryu's powerset. Fights consists of more than AP and Sanji whooped Absalom's ass who had that fruit anyway, if Shiryu was only a df merchant Zoro should dispose of him without getting his ass whooped. So if you agree he's getting his ass whooped, then that already makes him impressive.
I disagree with this.

Zoro can already be stronger than shiryu but he will still struggle against Shiryu, because Shiryu is willing to do whatever necessary to win the fight be it taking a hostage or sneak attacks. This will definitely make it so the fight is hard for Zoro because he doest fight with the same cunning mentality, but it doesn't mean that Shiryu is impressive. It means that if shiryu fights someone with the same cunning mentality as him, he would get bodied instantly. Also another thing, sanji only detected absalom by thowing salt around him.

Magellan level without invisibility never forget that. Magellan's portrayal had Croc, Jimbei, Ivankov running for their lives. Top tier? Nah (if by top tier we're talking about old legends as the cut off), but above Zoro atm? Very possible.
Shiryu was never Magellan level, he still isn't btw.
It was stated that he was more dangerous than Magellan due to ruthlessness and experience. Never stated to be as strong as Magellan. Replace Magellan with Shiryu in the ID break out situation and he gets horribly bodied by everyone. Do you think Shiryu could have negged BB crew the same way that Magellan did? If not then you have your answer.

Zoro fans either reaching for the stars placing Shiryu at Admiral level, or doing the opposite calling Shiryu a bum and below Zoro. Where's the middle ground? Maybe it's because y'all already think Zoro should be taking on a top tier in his next fight...but maybe we need to be humbled? There is a massive gap between the strongest commander we've seen in battle and the weakest top tier after all.
The story is almost near its end now already 1100 chapter in, if we're still seeing Zoro struggling against these commander bums then we would be seeing gigantic asspull when zoro defeats mihawk. I want his power progression to be linear and properly justified. Not some random bullshit asspull.

I would much rather see Zoro fight a top tier 1v1 and lose than see him fight these bozos again.

The best way for him to grow stronger, is by fighting extremely strong top tiers. Luffy did the same so why can't i expect the same for Zoro?
His punch was as loud as Garps,non Haki or fruit power.

If you think Kuzan surpassed Garp during his prime in terms of Haki you are the fool :kriwhat:

Crippled Aokiji and????
This man is still a damn powerhouse ,doesn‘t seem like he bothers about his lost limbs ,when he can cancel his loss out with his df power :myman:
Anyone thinking Prime Garp punch AP ~ Kuzan is wrong

Kuzan even still needs his ice powers to match Old Garp striking power in this chapter.

With haki, Prime Garp AP > Kuzan AP >= Old Garp
Without haki/df : Prime Garp > Kuzan > Old Garp
Has a better arsenal, faster, better physical stats, better endurance, better CQC skills, better durability, better range, better precision, and more cunning. Hancock's only selling point is her hax, and she could potentially kill people way stronger than Doffy.
Hancock has better haki, and Doflamingo have above her is endurance and durability. Rest of things upto air.
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