And you never will because you're incapable of having nuanced political discussions because in your mind there is only left=good and right=evil, you use yourself as the gold standard for what it means to be left and anyone who slightly disagrees with you must be a right winger, fascist or conspiracy theorist.
I'm actually quite a bad standard. I'm apolitical on a lot of subject.
But hey.. fine, let's say that I do think that everyone who disagree with me is far right... then why the hell do I think that you are a leftist while completely disagreeing with you on the medecine subjects ?
If you are honest, this simple fact should deconstruct your theory. Right ?
The reality is more simple: there are far right discourser here (Nameless / Seth etc.) there are also confusionnist who have a completely broken political compass (Bob / Al / Van) and there are also some actual leftists (You / Doggo / Kiku) I'm just one tiny step further to the left..but the reality is this:
I'm not even that radical.
I'm pretty much a basic leftist with basic points of views, not a communist, not an anarchist.. just a simple leftist who knows very little, but has very strong political bases. Simply because I MYSELF moved around the ENTIRE political spectrum.
I come from a complotist far right background (short period), I slided toward individualism (center right) because of my love for science which guided me toward the path of liberal scepticism and pro laicism (center right / center left) which guided me toward sociology and REAL science based scepticism which open me to real politic discourse (leftism).
EACH of those steps were made because of a single reason:
I asked myself "what if I am wrong??":
- At the beginning it lead me from the absence of answer to a lot of answer in complotism (this was a time where everything was very simply explained by complotist theory, and the belief of a world wide deep state)
---> From apolitical to far right debater
- Then it was the absence of scientific bases in complotism and a lot of answers in self improvment/liberalism/individualism (this why for example a time when I thought that with a strong will, I could overcome everything, which was fuelled by the fact that I'd just extracted myself from far right complotism)
---> From far right debater to liberal
- Then, because of my love for science, I started learning about Zetetic, street epistemology and basic scepticism (this was a few years ago, at a time where my love for scepticism was fuelled by my hatred for religion and spiritualism)
---> From liberal to center right sceptic
- Then I faced my own hatred for religion (especially Islam) and my own racist and islamophobic bias.. (this was a time when I didn't understand why the left was not denouncing radical islamic on twitter) this was also the time where I started to be called a SJW (because I was also fighting for LGBTQ+ right)
---> From center right sceptic to center left sceptic
- Then I came to understand the limits of liberal scepticism, this led me to understand what was sociology (something that I didn't considered a science before), I created a account with a LOT of representation intended to defy my own beliefs on science, religion, political discourses, sociology etc..
---> From center left sceptic to sociological sceptic
All of this to say that I AM NUANCED. I'm very careful not to call anyone a fascist because I know that the road to political awareness is a long climb. With steps along the way.
So yeah.. I KNOW for a fact that the right is not evil, but is just
wrong on pretty much everything, from politic to economy to science..
The ONLY reason the right manage to stand up in power is because it manages to keep alive the illusion that the left can breed leftist lunatic militarist and authoritarian/fascist when the reality is:
When you are authoritarian,
you automatically throw yourself to the far right
When you are fascist
, you automatically throw yourself to the far right
When you spread Qanon theory,
you automatically throw yourself to the far right.
You CAN'T be a leftist and be:
- Authoritarian
- Fascist
- Racist
For example:
Mussolini was a leftist, but his fascist ideology doesn't come from the left, but a militarist mindset the guy had. Same for Staline, same for Ali Khamenei, same for Xi Jinping, same for Putin, same for Kim Jong un
One thing I want people to understand here is that right and left are NOT equal. The left only exist because the right exist. Meaning that leftist value exist only because people are thinking rightist value. Therefore there are "right" values and WRONG values (depending on historical contexts) (ex: fascism = bad for the left but fascism=good for the far right, also its not named "fascism")
Furthermore, the left and the right fight is not a "balance", it's a
We need to understand that the brain is made to make ideas - that fell toward the right spectrum - more appealing. Our brain is wired with multiple biases, product of million of years of evolution.
Those biases had a real and benefic roles during certain ancient period, but they are not adapted to a life in society.
That's why for me, the political spectrum is a river that flows toward the right:
- The idea of individualism is more appealing that the idea that we are not in real control
- The idea of the danger of outsiders (immigration) is more appealing that the idea that the immigration can actually be beneficial
- The idea that there is a pedosatanist deep state is more appealing that the idea that we are just electing people who are biased and/or stupid
For me, you don't pick your ideas left and right to make a centrist cake to be the enlighten one, instead you become enlighten because you know that every other path are wrong. And because there are right and wrong values, there can only be one right path in a specific historio-sociological context.
In short, real politicians, for me, are those who - like carps - fight against the current of their own thought process and goes against their own biases.