I could see differences between how women would raise their boys. Without any male influence such as teachers or coaches, what would boys be like? Even if a woman is super traditional, would she still have the same impact as a man?
Actually not exactly but they can imitate it to an affect.
The most important things a boy needs under any tutoring (fatherhood and teacherhood) is discipline and rational critical thinking to make moral choices and rational decisions .
they can be imitated by well qualified women teachers if done right surely.
But motherhood on the other hand is the hardest part.. We see some if the west suffering from single mother households and they don't end up well.
But these households are also one's that are more Liberal.. Ie: mom goes out to work spends less time home and is extremely tolerant to the kid's misbehaviour (the latter is explainable coz a mother naturally shows tenderness to her kin) and the boy turns out feral.
On the other hand if the mother connects with her kin well, even tho she may work out, and discipline's her child and tries to fill in the role of the father.. Then it may work out as well.
Like that she'll developed a certain level of comfort from fhe child as well as he grows up and she passes on the torch and he's now the one in charge of her well being.
I could say women are gonna have a critically tuff time with the Op's comment but in this regard this isn't down to men and women.. Its down to motherhood and teacher hood.
i believe it can go quite well if things are done right.. And its not gonna be easy given the record atm