No, this is nonsense. He is plenty aggressive when he wants to be actually, and if you read the post you're responding to, and I mean properly read it, you'd see that the spirit of the point was the defensive/cobatative nature he opts when he is suspected. He might not literally counter vote but I think you know full well that that wasn't thebexplcit behaviour I was looking for.
Let me pull rank here - I'm probably the best player at reading Prof in this game. And "probably" is just a polite way of saying "I am". I know how he ticks - I have a record of reading him that is almost nonpareil so I know exactly what I'm looking for when it comes to how he reacts, especially in how he reacts around me. I think, at least one some level, you're aware of my accuracy in regards to reading him, too.
And you know, absolutely none of this explains why you has to jump in and get involved in this instead of letting it play out. If you thought it was a waste of time, or even a scummy angle, why didn't you just let it run its course? Like if you think the process doesn't make sense, that's fine, you should be waiting for the conclusion because that's actually going to be informative. Instead you've just nitpicked it apart and have exactly what to the discussion?
I've already said I lean town - that doesn't mean I'm not going to have her qualify the things she's saying. No it's not going to establish whether she's town or scum unless she botches the defence of her statements somehow, but I don't really feel like getting called out for one "unproductive" angle when the majority of this thread is full of shit.
Yeah this is the problem - there is a difference between "work with" and "blindly follow". If I'm so easily read then I expect you to have no trouble facilitating co-operation this game then - we will see!