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u know what maybe ur right, maybe i shudnt bother and shud just post memes and gifs. this game already shaping to be a headache and people cant see beyond whats in front of them as usual
I'd like to point out, by the way, that Ekko has publicly stated, for the record, that he is just meming and low effortint prior to his OMGUS vote, but then he proceeds to act like his reason for voting me is valid.

He isn't even trying imo
idk, what Cursed Body does in the game is that once you attack pokemon that has this ability with some move, you cannot use this move for a while

so basically punishes you for attacking, i guess it could be similar here
Dont think so. Flowa came out and said she did it. So people can just not attack her if that's what it was.
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