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You literally says 'how does this work X', I provide a three paragraph response to you, and you said 'you can't answer the question'. Get out of here with your bad faith you fucking wolf.
No, you provided 3 paragraphs of dodging the question by refusing to elaborate. I gave you a simple prompt - name the players who I would be avoiding. You've failed because it's a joke of an accusation and you can't defend it.
Are u a day cop with useful info?
if not, why are u claiming?
it's not just claim thing, i'm pretty sure Psychic thinks i'm scum
it's not just claim thing, i'm pretty sure Psychic thinks i'm scum

@Psylocke am i right? what makes you think so?
I told u, you’re close to your scum meta in the coffee game. You’re CWAC.
And why would you want someone to claim whom you are absolutely not sure is scum?

Why expose a potentially useful town role?

You seemed to think that Charles is an invest role and you wanted him to investigate Ekko.

Next thing you are scum reading him for being neutral.

There's no way this slot is town.

Would vote you but we have bigger fish to fry which is Ekko.
Charles said he was close to claiming if I push more so I did.
You’re eith Scum or bad town, in which case u can die.
No, you provided 3 paragraphs of dodging the question by refusing to elaborate. I gave you a simple prompt - name the players who I would be avoiding. You've failed because it's a joke of an accusation and you can't defend it.
I never once said you were avoiding players. I never once said you were playing with fear. This is now the second time you've tried to misrep what I've said and it needs to stop.
You're asking me to give you a complete reads list of every single player I interacted with this game (I can't even remember that), but you can't look back one page to find the post that started this reply chain? Come on, Fang.
I'm having long winded tl dr posts with Charlie and Ekko. Can you not see this? I asked you to show me where this shit with Ultra started and your refusing to do so.

Can you point to my reads that feel that way to you? Because that's kind of been the opposite. For example, I've even tried to use my alliance twice to call for votes. Is that weak?
Don't see the relevance in this with what I asked you earlier. And I don't like the whole gay "supreme alliance/towncore" shit anyways, never have never will.

Okay meta will always leak into how you play when you play with the same people over and over. But I do not have a 'meta' for each player that rules my reads. I think Ultra is weak this game and how he's played in previous games does not influence that opinion.
You think Ultra looks weak but Ekko doesn't in comparison? Where was your standing and read on Ekko again? What did you have him at? Town? Because rechecking most people thought Ekko has and still does look worse for wear in comparison if I want to tie the two of them head to head, that's been the consensus.
Just inactivity. Which admittedly is a weak argument. Again food for thought.
welp, tbh it's weak af argument .-. like, it's not even an argument i'd argue

he basically said he was close to claiming anyways so I wanted to see if he was going to do it lol.
hey, this is bs

i said i'd claim if i end up pushed (voted up), that's what i always do, not that i want to claim, if i wanted to claim, i'd just do that right away

I’m also down to cfd Mid
we have over 24hs to decide, it's hardly cfd
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