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I'm callin a bluff with Prof, I think the lynch will go through.

And if not according to @Charlie when it comes to lynch immunity this game it will go to the next wagon instead of stopping it so it won't hurt to try.

Also Prof has claimed he will get stronger down the line so it would be good to stop that early.

And we already lost a sizeable amount of people and Prof killing at least 3 for his wincon with the need for accurate shots for mafia is not ideal.

I think he'll be a big threat to us if left alone

No one said that smh
If you try to lynch me later it’s when we’ll have problems

Don’t make me shoot you on the way out Pot


knowing how coward scum are they probs didnt join flower wagon if the other wagons are town and they already had steam. its unwanted attention imo. i guess maybe mich and mono look worst cuz they had no reason to really join but dont reslly have issue with them supporting it offhand. i was offering to full claim and asked people to join so ye

people who didnt join but didnt provide alternatives like joy are more sus. just sat there nitpicking wagons
And I was proved right that both wagons were bad options in the end.

Vote lynch Ekko
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