Powers & Abilities Roger isn’t a swordsman

Pretty sure that was a mistranslation by the old viz translator.
Nope it wasnt, someone even made a thread about it here back in 2020 using the originals, it was around the same time that losers like Noodle were saying Mihawk's title is no Worlds Strongest but Worlds Greatest so someone made a thread to correct them
Imagine thinking Oda will make Roger a swordsman and nobody ever praised his swordsmanship in the story
Nobody out there calling him WSS or strongest swordsman of that Era

While we get people praise his strength as the King of the Era, the strongest of the time , and became PK

Ace didn't even get any single hype on the story
Nobody hypes that sword lol


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Imagine thinking Oda will make Roger a swordsman and nobody ever praised his swordsmanship in the story
Nobody out there calling him WSS or strongest swordsman of that Era

While we get people praise his strength as the King of the Era, the strongest of the time , and became PK

Ace didn't even get any single hype on the story
Nobody hypes that sword lol
Oda - in one piece

Oda - in one piece

Yeah did Oden praise his swordmanship there or his haki? Haki!
Did Oden ever wrote how great of a swordsman Roger was? Nope but rather how great he was as pirate with charisma and power

Did WB, Garp, Sengoku, Shiki ever hyped his swordmanship? Nope

Oda wasn't hyping Roger's swordmanship there vs WB lol it was next level of CoC (CoC coating) which was getting hyped

Oh both Roger and Wb have supreme blades yet only their haki and physical stats gets wanked by Oda
Imagine thinking Oda will make Roger a swordsman and nobody ever praised his swordsmanship in the story
Nobody out there calling him WSS or strongest swordsman of that Era

While we get people praise his strength as the King of the Era, the strongest of the time , and became PK

Ace didn't even get any single hype on the story
Nobody hypes that sword lol
Do you even read one piece? :shame::shame:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Yeah did Oden praise his swordmanship there or his haki? Haki!
Did Oden ever wrote how great of a swordsman Roger was? Nope but rather how great he was as pirate with charisma and power

Did WB, Garp, Sengoku, Shiki ever hyped his swordmanship? Nope

Oda wasn't hyping Roger's swordmanship there vs WB lol it was next level of CoC (CoC coating) which was getting hyped

Oh both Roger and Wb have supreme blades yet only their haki and physical stats gets wanked by Oda
You before log in on forum

Manga panels suggest he is. Burden of proof lies on you to prove he isn't and when I say proof then I meant manga panels and not your headcannon beliefs
Imagine thinking Oda will make Roger a swordsman and nobody ever praised his swordsmanship in the story
Nobody out there calling him WSS or strongest swordsman of that Era

While we get people praise his strength as the King of the Era, the strongest of the time , and became PK

Ace didn't even get any single hype on the story
Nobody hypes that sword lol
Zoro never got praised on his swordsmanship
Zoro always got praised for his strenght :bamathink:
You before log in on forum

Manga panels suggest he is. Burden of proof lies on you to prove he isn't and when I say proof then I meant manga panels and not your headcannon beliefs
Manga panels of Roger using a sword just like BM or Kijg use swords lol

Did you show me where Oda hyped his swordmanship in the story? Nope
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Zoro never got praised on his swordsmanship
Zoro always got praised for his strenght :bamathink:
Zoro has been praised about his swordsmanship
He himself also boasts his own swordmanship

Roger boast nothing about his swordmanship, never had his swordmanship hyped
Not even in sbs

Oda has hyped Zoro's swordmanship in the story and sbs
People praised him for cutting Golem Pica etc...
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Imagine reading the chapter where Oda focuses only on hyping CoC coating
To pretend Oda was hyping Roger's swordmanship when Oden never even once said "what's this sword style?" Nor was ever anyone praising his sword skills there but rather everyone was shook by Roger and WB haki
He himself also boasts his own swordmanship

Zoro has been praised about his swordsmanship
By who?

Oda has hyped Zoro's swordmanship in the story and sbs
People praised him for cutting Golem Pica etc...
When oda draw zoro what he s thinking about its only " strenght strenght strenght strong sword" nothing about skills
Cutting golem pica is a haki and strenght feat
Beating pica is a haki feat
Zoro since post ts only got haki power ups
Aint see no skills learned
He said duels not duel my guy

data books, magazine information, that novel and vivre cards, all this stuff Oda and his stuff give an OK on before its released to the public.
Did you actually think some random wrote a novel about Ace and release it to the public without Oda and his team looking it over first?

Funny thing is when you are given absolute evidence you pick and choose what is "canon"to you and what isnt depending on which piece of information helps your agenda
My friend, it's been a day.
I posted a source where it says duel, you say otherwise but bring no evidence other than your opinion.

I think they may have looked at it, but it's not written by Oda. It's not about cherry picking, I only read Manga and what Oda himself says. I don't even consider the anime fully canon, because if Oda wanted something to go in a certain way or to show something, he'd have written it that way.
I am not supporting any specific agenda my friend.
Really, you keep addressing my agenda, but literally I am in One Piece for the story only.
Imagine thinking Oda will make Roger a swordsman and nobody ever praised his swordsmanship in the story
Nobody out there calling him WSS or strongest swordsman of that Era

While we get people praise his strength as the King of the Era, the strongest of the time , and became PK

Ace didn't even get any single hype on the story
Nobody hypes that sword lol
Why would oda do that? Oda wants to be unpredictable as possible. Even the top 1 eos, he wants it to be unpredictable. If he shows Roger as swordsman then there's no doubt anymore that it's Zoro who will end up strongest eos. And there wouldn't be mihawk threads anymore as you and other Zoro haters would quit this forum by then.
The Logic of this upcoming generation of fans is something else...

The only fighting Panels we got from Roger are where he picked up his Blade:

1. Roger vs WB
2. Roger vs Shiki
3. Roger/Garp vs Xebec + Commanders

(The same btw with Shanks)
But nah they both got their Trumpcards their hidden fightingstyles:
-the Haki Headbutts
-the Haki twerk attacks
-the Haki kicks
All hidden and saved...

You lot manage to come up with the most unexplained/unlogical reasons there are...
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You won't be able to reply to me but i will do it anyways lols

You don't become a swordsman by picking up a sword when you're 25+ years old in your journey!
Just like Linlin who picked up her sword for the sake of it, Roger didn't pick up Ace cause he was a swordsman, it was just for the sake of it.
Yes in a story about dreams you can do anything you want. Age matters not. Look at Helemppo. He was a worthless crap and now he uses 2 blades.

How did u you know that Roger picked up a Supreme Grade Sword for the Sake of it? Give me the story you have read. Because for all we know. We have 0 context here.

You really think Oden would boast himself having the strongest sword style if Roger was a swordsman? If Roger had the strongest sword style?
Why wouldn't Oden boast himself of having the Strongest Sword Style? Oden is a CoC user so of course he believes in himself. And if he lived on you bet your ass hes gonna surpass Roger lol. If he was able to survive an encounter against a Prime Roger at that age what kind of peak was he going to be. Kaido have put Oden who came back several time stronger after his whole journey at the same lvl of Roger and WB.

So yeah sorry to break it you but Oden is a Conqueror and every CoC we met always think highly of themselves.

Roger doesn't even attack like a swordsman. His attacks aren't traditional cutting/slashing moves!
He prefer overpowering than cutting someone down!
That is exactly it LMAO.. How many attacks of Roger did we witness? 1.

Having a Supreme Blade and being able to use an attack without cutting speaks highly of his Swordsmanship LOL. Because if he wasn't
a swordsman of high skill he wouldn't have been able of not cutting Oden.

No swordsman in this story became a swordsman when they're old or during prime!
All of them started swordmanship when they were kids : Law, Ryuma, Mihawk, Vista, Oden, Zoro, Tashigi, etc...
Ok and how do we know when Roger started using a Sword? And again why not? Just look at Koby and Helemplo they weren't kids when they learned how to fight.

Oda usually hype swordsman with cutting feats :
Ryuma cutting a dragon, Law cutting a mountain, Zoro cutting Golem Pica, Mihawk cutting the iceberg, Oden cutting (scarring) Kaido and the mountain boar etc...
These feats are hyped in Zoro novels or sbs or magazines. And these guys clearly claim being swordsman or Oda clearly states it in the manga/sbs (sometimes novels/databooks)

Where's Roger's cutting feat them?
What's his sword style?
Who told you he was trained or trained himself in swordmanship?
Him not cutting Oden using a Supreme Blade is a cutting feat of "cutting nothing" that only high skilled Swordsman can do.

And we have only seen 1 attack so there is nothing to go off from here.

No one told anyone anything. We have a guy who we seen using a Swords in every panel he appears in except when he met Rayleigh.
Then we learned he uses that sword to attack with replicating a feat Zoro learned the hard way. Then we got an info that he holds a Supreme Blade.

From that we can safely assume that he is a Swordsman. Now tell us how do you know he isn't using facts and story info.

you dont got from brawler to Swordsman /sniper
Every admiral know swordmanship yet they aren't swordsmen
Most people use swords yet they aren't swordmen

Being a swordsman is when one consider themselves to be one and are trained in swordmanship
So you know something about Roger we don't? Can you confirm that he was a Brawler or a Sniper Gunman or whatever? I want to know. Really i want to know.

Admirals trained in Swordsmanship which makes them Swordsman but they chose to fight the way they want. Like Big Mom.

Roger is like Linlin : didn't train swordmanship, they just picked up elbaf techniques ("divine" moves are from elbaf, skypean or lunarian tribes) and other moves to suit themselves. **(This also explains why Shanks loves elbaf a lot, Roger provably used to hang there a lot too)**
Both Roger and Linlin only picked up weapons to channel their haki and that's it.
How do you know that Roger didn't train Swordsmanship? we don't know but from what we have seen we safely can assume he is a Swordsman. And why would you think Big Mom didn't Train in Swordsmanship?

Let me open your eyes here. Channeling their Haki and throwing "Air bars" is a sign of learning how to use that "weapon" to be able to channel whatever energy they use.

Just like who? Trafalgar Law. A dude who carries a Sword around but can fight without it.